High Energy Physics - Experiment
Authors and titles for June 2024
- [6] arXiv:2406.01332 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Measurements of the branching fractions of semileptonic $D^{+}_s$ decays via $e^+e^-\to D_s^{*+}D_s^{*-}$BESIII Collaboration: M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, C. H. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, H. Y. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, S. K. Choi, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, C. Q. Deng, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, Y. Ding, Y. Ding, J. Dong, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, X. Dong, M. C. Du, S. X. Du, Y. Y. Duan, Z. H. Duan, P. Egorov, Y. H. Fan, J. Fang, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, W. X. Fang, Y. Fang, Y. Q. Fang, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, F. Feldbauer, G. Felici, C. Q. Feng, J. H. Feng, Y. T. Feng, M. Fritsch, C. D. Fu, J. L. Fu, Y. W. Fu, H. Gao, X. B. GaoComments: 18 pages, 5 figuresJournal-ref: Phys. Rev. D 110, 072017 (2024)Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [7] arXiv:2406.01405 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Review of the measurements of the strong coupling constant in CMS at 13 TeV. Contribution to the 2024 QCD session of the 58th Rencontres de MoriondComments: Contribution to the 2023 QCD session of the 57th Rencontres de Moriond. 4 pages, 2 figuresSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
- [8] arXiv:2406.01430 [pdf, html, other]
Title: The azimuthal correlation between the leading jet and the scattered lepton in deep inelastic scattering at HERAZEUS Collaboration: I. Abt, R. Aggarwal, V. Aushev, O. Behnke, A. Bertolin, I. Bloch, I. Brock, N.H. Brook, R. Brugnera, A. Bruni, P.J. Bussey, A. Caldwell, C.D. Catterall, J. Chwastowski, J. Ciborowski, R. Ciesielski, A.M. Cooper-Sarkar, M. Corradi, R.K. Dementiev, S. Dusini, J. Ferrando, B. Foster, E. Gallo, D. Gangadharan, A. Garfagnini, A. Geiser, G. Grzelak, C. Gwenlan, D. Hochman, N.Z. Jomhari, I. Kadenko, U. Karshon, P. Kaur, R. Klanner, U. Klein, I.A. Korzhavina, N. Kovalchuk, M. Kuze, B.B. Levchenko, A. Levy, B. Löhr, E. Lohrmann, A. Longhin, F. Lorkowski, E. Lunghi, I. Makarenko, J. Malka, S. Masciocchi, ^ K. Nagano, J.D. Nam, Yu. Onishchuk, E. Paul, I. Pidhurskyi, A. Polini, M. Przybycień, A. Quintero, M. Ruspa, U. Schneekloth, T. Schörner-Sadenius, I. Selyuzhenkov, M. Shchedrolosiev, L.M. Shcheglova, N. Sherrill, I.O. Skillicorn, W. Słomiński, A. Solano, L. Stanco, N. Stefaniuk, B. Surrow, K. Tokushuku, O. Turkot, T. Tymieniecka, A. Verbytskyi, W.A.T. Wan Abdullah, K. Wichmann, M. Wing, S. Yamada, Y. Yamazaki, A.F. Żarnecki, O. ZenaievSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [9] arXiv:2406.01656 [pdf, other]
Title: Combination of searches for Higgs boson decays into a photon and a massless dark photon using $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detectorComments: 35 pages in total, author list starting page 18, 4 figures, 1 tables, published on JHEP. All figures including auxiliary figures are available at this https URLJournal-ref: JHEP 08 (2024) 153Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [10] arXiv:2406.01745 [pdf, html, other]
Title: SIREN: An Open Source Neutrino Injection ToolkitComments: 25 pages, 11 figures, 8 tablesSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
- [11] arXiv:2406.01990 [pdf, html, other]
Title: 50 GeV $π^-$ in, nothing out: a sensitive probe of invisible $η$ and $η'$ decays with NA64hYu. M. Andreev, A. Antonov, M. A. Ayala Torres, D. Banerjee, B. Banto Oberhauser, J. Bernhard, P. Bisio, A. Celentano, N. Charitonidis, D. Cooke, P. Crivelli, E. Depero, A. V. Dermenev, S. V. Donskov, R. R. Dusaev, T. Enik, V. N. Frolov, S. V. Gertsenberger, S. Girod, S. N. Gninenko, M. Hosgen, V. A. Kachanov, Y. Kambar, A. E. Karneyeu, G. D. Kekelidze, B. Ketzer, D. V. Kirpichnikov, V. N. Kolosov, V. A. Kramarenko, L. V. Kravchuk, N. V. Krasnikov, S. V. Kuleshov, V. E. Lyubovitskij, A. Marini, L. Marsicano, V. A. Matveev, R. Mena Fredes, R. G. Mena Yanssen, L. Molina Bueno, M. Mongillo, D. V. Peshekhonov, V. A. Polyakov, B. Radics, K. M. Salamatin, V. D. Samoylenko, H. Sieber, D. A. Shchukin, O. Soto, V. O. Tikhomirov, I. V. Tlisova, A. N. Toropin, M. Tuzi, P. V. Volkov, V. Yu. Volkov, I. V. Voronchikhin, J. Zamora-Saa, A. S. ZhevlakovComments: 5 pages, 3 figuresSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
- [12] arXiv:2406.02010 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Review of searches for new physics at CMSComments: Contribution to the 2024 QCD session of the 58th Rencontres de MoriondSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
- [13] arXiv:2406.02025 [pdf, html, other]
Title: First demonstration of a TES based cryogenic Li$_2$MoO$_4$detector for neutrinoless double beta decay searchG. Bratrud, C. L. Chang, R. Chen, E. Cudmore, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, Z. Hong, K. T. Kennard, S. Lewis, M. Lisovenko, L. O. Mateo, V. Novati, V. Novosad, E. Oliveri, R. Ren, J. A. Scarpaci, B. Schmidt, G. Wang, L. Winslow, V. G. Yefremenko, J. Zhang, D. Baxter, M. Hollister, C. James, P. Lukens, D. J. TemplesJournal-ref: Eur. Phys. J. C 85, 118 (2025)Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex); Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
- [14] arXiv:2406.02441 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Probing the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling with the first LUX-ZEPLIN dataJ.Aalbers, D.S.Akerib, A.K.Al Musalhi, F.Alder, C.S.Amarasinghe, A.Ames, T.J.Anderson, N.Angelides, H.M.Araújo, J.E.Armstrong, M.Arthurs, A.Baker, S.Balashov, J.Bang, E.E.Barillier, J.W.Bargemann, K.Beattie, T.Benson, A.Bhatti, A.Biekert, T.P.Biesiadzinski, H.J.Birch, E.J.Bishop, G.M.Blockinger, B.Boxer, C.A.J.Brew, P.Brás, S.Burdin, M.Buuck, M.C.Carmona-Benitez, M.Carter, A.Chawla, H.Chen, J.J.Cherwinka, Y.T.Chin, N.I.Chott, M.V.Converse, A.Cottle, G.Cox, D.Curran, C.E.Dahl, A.David, J.Delgaudio, S.Dey, L.deViveiros, L.DiFelice, C.Ding, J.E.Y.Dobson, E.Druszkiewicz, S.R.Eriksen, A.Fan, N.M.Fearon, S.Fiorucci, H.Flaecher, E.D.Fraser, T.M.A.Fruth, R.J.Gaitskell, A.Geffre, J.Genovesi, C.Ghag, R.Gibbons, S.Gokhale, J.Green, M.G.D.vanderGrinten, J.J.Haiston, C.R.Hall, S.Han, E.Hartigan-O'Connor, S.J.Haselschwardt, M.A.Hernandez, S.A.Hertel, G.Heuermann, G.J.Homenides, M.Horn, D.Q.Huang, D.Hunt, E.Jacquet, R.S.James, J.Johnson, A.C.Kaboth, A.C.Kamaha, M.Kannichankandy, D.Khaitan, A.Khazov, I.Khurana, J.DKim, J.Kim, J.Kingston, R.Kirk, D.Kodroff, L.Korley, E.V.Korolkova, H.Kraus, S.Kravitz, L.Kreczko, V.A.Kudryavtsev, D.S.Leonard, K.T.Lesko, C.Levy, J.LinJournal-ref: Commun Phys 7, 292 (2024)Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [15] arXiv:2406.02931 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Measurements of the branching fractions of the $P$-wave charmonium spin-singlet state $h_c(^1P_1) \to h^+ h^-π^0/η$BESIII Collaboration: M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, C. H. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, H. Y. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, S. K. Choi, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, C. Q. Deng, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, Y. Ding, Y. Ding, J. Dong, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, X. Dong, M. C. Du, S. X. Du, Y. Y. Duan, Z. H. Duan, P. Egorov, Y. H. Fan, J. Fang, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, W. X. Fang, Y. Fang, Y. Q. Fang, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, F. Feldbauer, G. Felici, C. Q. Feng, J. H. Feng, Y. T. Feng, M. Fritsch, C. D. Fu, J. L. Fu, Y. W. Fu, H. Gao, X. B. GaoComments: 9 pages, 7 figuresSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [16] arXiv:2406.03156 [pdf, other]
Title: Observation of new charmonium(-like) states in $B^+ \to D^{*\pm} D^{\mp} K^+$ decaysLHCb collaboration: R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta, F. Abudinén, T. Ackernley, A. A. Adefisoye, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P. Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, Z. Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, P. Andreola, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, A. Anelli, D. Ao, F. Archilli, M. Argenton, S. Arguedas Cuendis, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, D. Bacher, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, J. Baptista de Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, I. R. Barbosa, R.J. Barlow, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, J. Bartz, F. Baryshnikov, J.M. Basels, G. Bassi, B. Batsukh, A. Battig, A. Bay, A. Beck, M. Becker, F. Bedeschi, I.B. Bediaga, A. Beiter, S. Belin, V. Bellee, K. Belous, I. Belov, I. Belyaev, G. Benane, G. Bencivenni, E. Ben-Haim, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, S. Bernet Andres, C. Bertella, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, J. Bex, Ia. Bezshyiko, J. Bhom, M.S. Bieker, N.V. Biesuz, P. Billoir, A. Biolchini, M. Birch, F.C.R. Bishop, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J.E. Blank, S. Blusk, V. BocharnikovComments: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at this https URL (LHCb public pages)Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 131902Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [17] arXiv:2406.03387 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Measurement of the branching fraction ratios $R(D^{+})$ and $R(D^{*+})$ using muonic $τ$ decaysLHCb collaboration: R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta, F. Abudinén, T. Ackernley, A. A. Adefisoye, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P. Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, Z. Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, P. Andreola, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, A. Anelli, D. Ao, F. Archilli, M. Argenton, S. Arguedas Cuendis, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, D. Bacher, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, H. Bao, J. Baptista de Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, I. R. Barbosa, R.J. Barlow, M. Barnyakov, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, J. Bartz, F. Baryshnikov, J.M. Basels, G. Bassi, B. Batsukh, A. Bay, A. Beck, M. Becker, F. Bedeschi, I.B. Bediaga, S. Belin, V. Bellee, K. Belous, I. Belov, I. Belyaev, G. Benane, G. Bencivenni, E. Ben-Haim, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, S. Bernet Andres, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, J. Bex, Ia. Bezshyiko, J. Bhom, M.S. Bieker, N.V. Biesuz, P. Billoir, A. Biolchini, M. Birch, F.C.R. Bishop, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J.E. Blank, S. Blusk, V. Bocharnikov, J.A. BoelhauveComments: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any supplementary material and additional information, are available at this https URL (LHCb public pages)Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 (2025) 061801Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [18] arXiv:2406.03975 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Observation of $γγ$ $\to$ $ττ$ in proton-proton collisions and limits on the anomalous electromagnetic moments of the $τ$ leptonComments: Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and the DOI. All the figures and tables, including additional supplementary figures, can be found at this http URL (CMS Public Pages)Journal-ref: Rep. Prog. Phys. 87 (2024) 107801Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [19] arXiv:2406.03976 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Observation of quantum entanglement in top quark pair production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeVComments: Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and the DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at this http URL (CMS Public Pages)Journal-ref: Rep. Prog. Phys. 87 (2024) 117801Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [20] arXiv:2406.04513 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Suppression of neutral pion production in deep-inelastic scattering off nuclei with the CLAS detectorT. Mineeva, W. K. Brooks, A. El Alaoui, H. Hakobyan, K. Joo, J.A. Lopez, O. Soto, CLAS collaborationSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [21] arXiv:2406.04642 [pdf, other]
Title: Measurements of the branching fractions of $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}π^{0}$, $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}η$, and $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}η^{\prime}$ and asymmetry parameter of $Ξ_{c}^{0}\toΞ^{0}π^{0}$Belle, Belle II Collaborations: I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal, H. Aihara, N. Akopov, A. Aloisio, N. Althubiti, N. Anh Ky, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, T. Aushev, V. Aushev, M. Aversano, R. Ayad, V. Babu, H. Bae, S. Bahinipati, P. Bambade, Sw. Banerjee, M. Barrett, J. Baudot, A. Baur, A. Beaubien, F. Becherer, J. Becker, J. V. Bennett, F. U. Bernlochner, V. Bertacchi, M. Bertemes, E. Bertholet, M. Bessner, S. Bettarini, B. Bhuyan, F. Bianchi, L. Bierwirth, T. Bilka, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, J. Borah, A. Boschetti, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, S. Bussino, Q. Campagna, M. Campajola, L. Cao, G. Casarosa, C. Cecchi, J. Cerasoli, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, P. Cheema, C. Chen, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, K. Chirapatpimol, H.-E. Cho, K. Cho, S.-J. Cho, S.-K. Choi, S. Choudhury, L. Corona, J. X. Cui, F. Dattola, E. De La Cruz-Burelo, S. A. De La Motte, G. De Nardo, G. De Pietro, R. de Sangro, M. Destefanis, S. Dey, R. Dhamija, A. Di Canto, F. Di Capua, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, I. Domínguez Jiménez, T. V. Dong, M. Dorigo, K. Dort, D. Dossett, S. Dubey, K. Dugic, G. Dujany, P. Ecker, M. Eliachevitch, D. Epifanov, P. Feichtinger, T. Ferber, T. Fillinger, C. Finck, A. Fodor, F. Forti, A. Frey, B. G. FulsomComments: 23 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by JHEPJournal-ref: JHEP10(2024)045Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
- [22] arXiv:2406.04730 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Reconstruction of 400 GeV/c proton interactions with the SHiP-charm projectJournal-ref: Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 562 (2024)Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
- [23] arXiv:2406.05101 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Measurement of inclusive and differential cross sections for W$^+$W$^-$ production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeVComments: Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and the DOI. All the figures and tables, including additional supplementary figures and tables, can be found at this http URL (CMS Public Pages)Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B 861 (2025) 139231Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [24] arXiv:2406.05737 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Search for a resonance decaying to a W boson and a photon in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV using leptonic W boson decaysComments: Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and the DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at this http URL (CMS Public Pages)Journal-ref: JHEP 09 (2024) 186Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [25] arXiv:2406.05827 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the data collected at 3.773 GeV by BESIII from 2021 to 2024BESIII Collaboration: M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, C. H. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, H. Y. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, S. K. Choi, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, C. Q. Deng, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, Y. Ding, Y. Ding, J. Dong, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, X. Dong, M. C. Du, S. X. Du, Y. Y. Duan, Z. H. Duan, P. Egorov, Y. H. Fan, J. Fang, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, W. X. Fang, Y. Fang, Y. Q. Fang, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, F. Feldbauer, G. Felici, C. Q. Feng, J. H. Feng, Y. T. Feng, M. Fritsch, C. D. Fu, J. L. Fu, Y. W. Fu, H. Gao, X. B. GaoJournal-ref: Chin. Phys. C 48, 123001 (2024)Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [26] arXiv:2406.06117 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Exploring the Cosmological Triangle in Search for Axion-Like Particles from a ReactorByung Ju Park, Jae Jin Choi, Eunju Jeon, Jinyu Kim, Kyungwon Kim, Sung Hyun Kim, Sun Kee Kim, Yeongduk Kim, Young Ju Ko, Byoung-Cheol Koh, Chang Hyon Ha, Seo Hyun Lee, In Soo Lee, Hyunseok Lee, Hyun Su Lee, Jaison Lee, Yoomin Oh, Doojin Kim, Gordan Krnjaic, Jacopo NavaComments: We have revisited ALP generation and carefully validated our findings. The updated results from the NEON experiment are presented hereSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [27] arXiv:2406.06118 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Strong and weak $CP$ tests in sequential decays of polarized $Σ^0$ hyperonsBESIII Collaboration: M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, O. Afedulidis, X. C. Ai, R. Aliberti, A. Amoroso, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y. Ban, H.-R. Bao, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Berlowski, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, E. Bianco, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A. Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, C. H. Chen, Chao Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, H. Y. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. L. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R. Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, S. K. Choi, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, C. Q. Deng, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, Y. Ding, Y. Ding, J. Dong, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, X. Dong, M. C. Du, S. X. Du, Y. Y. Duan, Z. H. Duan, P. Egorov, Y. H. Fan, J. Fang, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, W. X. Fang, Y. Fang, Y. Q. Fang, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, F. Feldbauer, G. Felici, C. Q. Feng, J. H. Feng, Y. T. Feng, M. Fritsch, C. D. Fu, J. L. Fu, Y. W. Fu, H. Gao, X. B. GaoSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
- [28] arXiv:2406.06172 [pdf, html, other]
Title: Higgs cross-section ( including di-Higgs ) with CMS and ATLASTorben Lange (on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations)Comments: Contribution to the 2024 QCD session of the 58th Rencontres de MoriondSubjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
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Title: Bilard protonowy w LHCComments: 11 pages, 10 figures, in PolishJournal-ref: Post\k{e}py Fizyki 75 (2024), 3-4, 17Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
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Title: Measurement of the branching fractions of $\bar{B}\to D^{(*)} K^- K^{(*)0}_{(S)}$ and $\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}D_s^{-}$ decays at Belle IIBelle II Collaboration: I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal, H. Aihara, N. Akopov, A. Aloisio, N. Althubiti, N. Anh Ky, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, T. Aushev, V. Aushev, M. Aversano, R. Ayad, V. Babu, H. Bae, S. Bahinipati, P. Bambade, Sw. Banerjee, S. Bansal, M. Barrett, J. Baudot, A. Baur, A. Beaubien, F. Becherer, J. Becker, J. V. Bennett, F. U. Bernlochner, V. Bertacchi, M. Bertemes, E. Bertholet, M. Bessner, S. Bettarini, B. Bhuyan, F. Bianchi, L. Bierwirth, T. Bilka, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, A. Bolz, A. Boschetti, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, R. A. Briere, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, S. Bussino, Q. Campagna, M. Campajola, L. Cao, G. Casarosa, C. Cecchi, J. Cerasoli, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, P. Cheema, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, K. Chirapatpimol, H.-E. Cho, K. Cho, S.-J. Cho, S.-K. Choi, S. Choudhury, L. Corona, J. X. Cui, F. Dattola, E. De La Cruz-Burelo, S. A. De La Motte, G. de Marino, G. De Nardo, M. De Nuccio, G. De Pietro, R. de Sangro, M. Destefanis, S. Dey, R. Dhamija, A. Di Canto, F. Di Capua, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, I. Domínguez Jiménez, T. V. Dong, M. Dorigo, D. Dorner, K. Dort, D. Dossett, S. Dreyer, S. Dubey, K. Dugic, G. Dujany, P. Ecker, M. Eliachevitch, D. Epifanov, P. Feichtinger, T. Ferber, T. Fillinger, C. FinckComments: 34 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.01321Journal-ref: J. High Energ. Phys. 08 (2024) 206Subjects: High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)