arXiv:physics/9908045v1 [physics.gen-ph] 22 Aug 1999

Gravitational Fields and The Basic Unit System concept

Edgar Paternina

Electrical engineer, working in the area of Control Centers at the utility industry, but also concerned with information systems and the searching for many years of the Bus concept applied in this paper.


This is the third one of three papers I have presented as an application of the Basic Unit System concept, a complex mathematical unit presented in The Basic Unit System concept and The Principle of Synergy. In this case this Bus concept is used as a powerful tool to obtain again those gravitational field equations of normal planets, deviation from them as that of Mercury, but also a proposal made by the astronomer Micheal Disney in his book the Hidden Universe about Dark Matter. The emerging proposal is then to see the cosmic system as a Steady Open System, state that is continually exchanging energy, matter and information, and in it Dark gravity bodies can be seen as gravity compensators of the whole system. But then appear new forces when the whole system is considered.

Key words: The basic unit system concept, complex numbers, Gravitational fields and Dark Matter


The Basic Unit System concept has implicit in its definition the concept of system. The solar system, the gravitational system will be then our main aim, in using our BUS tool. For it we will assume as a fact, that a gravitational field determines the form, as it were, the structure, of its elements. This gives us determined laws among those elements, and their relationships, such as that of the inverse square law between two particles. Such laws are expressed by a simple mathematical equation. They are not universal laws we will see, just as we observed with the pendulum, whose laws, hold just in small ranges, or in the best case, large ones. But anyway it is in that application range, where measurement instruments can be applied.

The concept of science since Galileo, since Kant, has spin around the chance to measure. But this chance is a restricted one. It is not absolute, universal. Measurement is not enough to define science. We must take into account the qualitative aspects too, and they must be reframed within a coherent methodology. This is what we are going to do with gravitational fields. We must recall though that the results will be congruent with those of normal science, for normal cases.

A quality is an attribute that makes something what it is. A circle, an ellipse are qualities as they can be represented by its form, by a graphical representation, that is to say, independently it has mathematical equations associated with. In what follows this fact will be related with one of BUS components. In the pendulum case we talked about quasi-rotational motion, to establish a relationship between the two state variables. A quality cannot be measured but we can use it as medium to approach reality. A system will be determined if we have analytic-geometric relationship between its two components. This will mean that the qualitative component can have distortion factors, that will indicate how far or near we are from the ideal case. In extreme cases the quantitative component will be affected too by those distortion factors.

Science must spin around the searching of truth, rather than around the application of restricted laws. It is said that mankind made a quantum leap, with the discovery of fire, but I think that quantum leap happened in that moment, the human will or the power to take decisions was applied consciously against the normal conventional flow of reality, toward evolution, toward the more-being. It is this power the one, that makes us real humans. From that power we obtain other powers, such as a more creative power, which took us finally to the discovery of fire.

Gravitation seen from above

Reality is not linear, it is made up of circles, circles of influence or fields whose main aim is to extend the influence range of the corresponding BUS, even farther its apparent physical reality. We have then geometric-analytical models, so with them, it is possible to determine and predict the future behavior of those entities under the circle of influence. But the fact that with these models we can predict the trajectory of an entity, by knowing it in some point of it, does not mean those models are linear. The circle and the ellipse are in fact non-linear. Anyway the starting point is an ideal model, such as an ellipse, as is the case in normal planets or those planets so near the center of gravity that they can have an independent elliptical form.

Before Copernicus and Kepler, the ideal model was a circle, but their observations took them to evaluate that ideal model and replaced it by one even more precise. The circle was replaced by the ellipse then. A greater precision is possible if we can reduce those mere subjective observations with others made with measurement instruments or just artificial instruments. But a measurement instrument main purpose is to translate a mathematical physical law into a device, whose construction will be based on the application of that law. If we have a restricted law, then we must have a restriction in the measurement instrument too.

In what follows we will say that the circle of influence or the field reflects a form that can be represented infinitesimally by the BUS. That trajectory is an invariant, that is to say, it is independent of time. This is related in some way, with a balance equality, whose main purpose is to maintain the system general form.

Those experiments related with the pendulum and falling bodies give us the same trajectory in all cases. The Foucault experiment gives us the same trajectory too, independent of earth rotation. That equality suggests us trajectory is an invariant because of that equilibrium between inertial forces, as it were, inner forces, and gravitational forces or those externals forces to the body. It is this equality the one that maintains the harmonic movement and as so its form or trajectory. This is what we will be doing in the following with our mathematical complex symbolism.

Newtonian Gravitational Fields and The Bus

In both last mentioned experiments it is observed that the trajectory is always equal and independent of their masses, so time and form are not related in a first approximation. The form does not vary with time, probably for it is due to a central force, and as so we have a determined gravitational space geometric structure.

We have named this, a top-down treatment, because the idea in all cases has been to start not with an orphan idea from the point of view of reality, but to start with a principle expressed in the bus concept, and at the same time to consider the observed laws to be able to produce an equation that represents the behavior of that reality we are interested in. We are not seeking new theories to explain the well-known gravitational fields, but to frame those existent theories in the BUS context.

The beginning of western science started, so to speak, with a problem that resisted the deterministic framework. That is why the pendulum was left out of "normal science" as pointed out Thomas S. Khun. We can say that normal science is that one, whose mathematical treatment is based in just one of the components of the BUS concept, exactly that component that received a "imaginary" connotation by Descartes. In that symbolism the duality principle was included though, so the quantitative reduction was natural and logical. But the greatest drawback with it, has to do with its incapacity to deal with wholes, form and the qualitative, as this was looked with suspicion, and a distrustful look, necessarily blocks any look.

In certain sense gravitational problems also resisted, at a later age, the classical treatment too, as in 1848 Leverrier observed deviations in planet Mercury with respect to normal planets. There is then a whole range of gravitational problems that can be framed in the normal science range, as in it the model agrees with reality in a good approximation.

A classical problem will be then that one in which the mathematical models used are based in "real" numbers. So we will have another type of problem non-classical such as that of the pendulum, whose solution implies a complex mathematical symbolism. Each time we have had such a problem such as that of the pendulum, that of the spin electron and its trajectory, that of planet Mercury and its trajectory, their solution has been in the line of elaboration of theories, that not only explain those deviations, but the normal behavior too. But the problem is not with theories, but with the starting point, as it leaves out, those reality aspects related with form, whole and oneness, such as in the mentioned examples.The unification of science does not imply a theory for everything, as a theory is an effort of the mind to interpret reality, and this effort we will have to do always.

For the normal case, the classical effort gives us the behavior of planets through a differential equation such as

d ² U / d q ² + U = GM / h ²

Our main aim with the non-classical treatment, is not to deviate from it even a millimeter, but by starting with the well-known to find that same equation with the BUS concept.

The trajectory or form can be seen in the fivefold structure as invariant so we will write:

and in rectangular components we can write:

DS = ( sqr( Beta) )* dE + J*dS' (1)

where we have two components and therefore two state variables S' and E:

- one affected by J related with the physical and geometric space structure or state variable S', and

- another, related with the state variable dE which is affected by a factor sqr(Beta ).

The work of Einstein, Schwarzschild and others gave us the solution of this problem. The square of (1) is related with the fact that observed trajectories as seen from the space-geometric point of view are independent of the nature of their bodies. The path is an invariant. Paths are, as it were, space-time geodetic lines that are followed by all bodies. This characteristic of trajectories followed by all bodies in gravitational fields is related with a balancing equality, necessary to obtain a steady state system. From a certain point of view, this invariant property agrees with a strong Einstein intuition, but not with its solution, as it was always related with geometry, but more precisely with space aspects, with a "real" solution only. His great intuition power was not wrong, but the prevailing prejudice against complex numbers did. We never have had that prejudice as an electrical engineer knows from the beginning that complex numbers are a powerful simplifier tool. To cope with complexity, we must use the adequate tool, a complex number tool, or we will spoil that we want to fix.

That part in dS' is then related with a normal space geometry and as so it can be written according to the Pythagorean theorem as:

dS' = sqr[dR² + R²* d q ² ] (2)

The other component is related with form E, or with that observed elliptic cases, we would say classically.

For normal cases the relationship between S, and E, is just a one to one relation, that is to say, the reality model E, and reality itself are just the same, so we can write:

Abs(DS) /Abs(dE ) = 1 (3)

Please note we are relating the state variables in rectangular coordinates, so we can determine the state of the gravitational system. Note too that those speculations related with linear movement or inertial movements are not our main concern anymore. They do not have the meaning they had when we just looked one aspect of reality, that related with the quantitative or with space or a "real" aspect only.

If we multiply the complex expression DS by its conjugate and replace DS' we obtain:

DS² = (sqr(Beta)* dE + J * dS') * (sqr(Beta)* dE – J * dS')

DS²= Beta*dE² - dS'²

DS² = Beta*dE ² - dR ² - R ² * d q ² (4)

which is the square magnitude of the real trajectory as seen in the fivefold structure.

We will reduce this expression to a differential equation by relating its variables to the well-known laws of curvilinear motion of a particle. So, to go on we must consider the traditional physical analysis and interrelate it with our complex reasoning, as it were, the very real reasoning. We must admit that the traditional analysis is completely valid when applied to the proper case, or else when confronted with reality. The previous reality is embedded in the new reality, so the concept of "revolution" with its negative connotation charge, must be replaced by the concept of evolution, with its ontic connotation charge, toward the more-being.

Movement Under Central Forces

A motion under a central force is that one in which external or transversal forces are so small that they are negligible. In them we only have the influence of those central forces, those forces toward or against the gravitational center. The particle, the planet, the entity is moved under the influence of those gravitational forces that come from the center. So second Newton law, will give us for the transversal forces a value of zero so:

that gives us a expression for the second Kepler law, as by just making some transformations on it, we can get it, as he stated that law originally.

R ² ( d q / d t ) = h

(d q / d t) = h*( 1 / R ² ) (5)

We just want to express that law as a function of the absolute value of DS, so we multiply and divide it, by DS

(d S/d t)*(d q /d S) = h*( 1/R² )


V = dS/dt


d q /d S = (h/V)*(1 / R² ) (6)

if we make

h' = h/V

from 6 we can obtain the value of DS as

d S= (R² /h')*d q

or its inverse

1/d S = h'/ R² * (1/d q ) (7)

so we have obtain another expression for DS, as function of q, the other state variable in polar coordinates. If we again consider the expression 4

DS² = Beta*dE² - dR² - R²*d q ²

if we divide by DS in both sides

1 = Beta * (d E/d S) ² - ( d R/d S) ² - R ² * (d q /d S ) ²

1 = Beta * (d E/d S) ² - h' ² * ( 1/ R ² ) * (d R / d q ) ² - h'² * ( 1/ R ²)

by defining a new variable U as 1 / R, and organizing we obtain

d U /d q = ( 1/ R ² ) * d R /d q

so according to derivation rules we have

dR = dU/U

1 = Beta*(d E/d S) ² - h' ² * (d U / d q ) ² - h' ² * U ²


h' ² * (d U / d q ) ² + h' ² * U ² = -1 + Beta*(d E/d S) ²


(d U / d q ) ² + U ² = -1/h' + Beta/ h'*(d E/d S)

but if

d E /d S = 1


(d U / d q ) ² + U ² = -1/h' ² + Beta / h' ²

if we take the derivative of this equation we obtain

2* (d U / d q )* d ²U / d q ² + 2* U* d U / d q = 1/h' ² * (d Beta / d q )

note this expression contains the distortion factor Beta

The Inertial Equivalent Equality

In case of the deduction of the Pendulum formula, we had the equality between inertial mass and the weighting mass to obtain the final expression, but we observed that equality, was some kind of a balancing principle to maintain the form or the steady state of the system.

What we are looking for is then an elliptic differential equation, that can be seen intuitively from the last equation found

2* (dU / d q )* d ² U / d q ² + 2* U* dU / d q = 1/h' ² * (dBeta/ d q )

If we relate the second element related with q , with the classical solution of this problem

(1/( 2*h' ²)) * (d Beta/ d q ) = (GM / h ² )*( d U / d q )

we obtain the well known equation of Planetary Motion:

d ² U / d q ² + U = GM / h ²


GM = F/m*h ² * U ²

so we can write too

d ² U / d q ² + U = F / m*h * U ²

that is, the same expression as a function of forces.

Forces, Fields and Gravitation

One of the things I have admired the most of Einstein, was its great imagination, and the way he eliminated the concept of force of physics, and replaced it with a more abstract concept called "tensor".

But the complex basic unit system concept includes the concept of vector and as so the concept of force. We can invert then our line of reasoning and define a field as the force exerted on a charge or a mass as:

Field = Force/(m or q)

and then we have:

F/m = ( d ² U / d q ² + U ) * h ² * U ²

and this expression will be related with the inverted law square force. If we have

dBeta / h' ² = 2*GM* d U / h ²

and replace h'= h/V then

dBeta =( 2*GM / V ² ) * d U

which when integrated between R and Ro give us

Beta = ( 2*GM / V ²) * [ 1/R - 1/Ro]

Deviation of Normal Gravitational Fields

General universal laws; general rules with which we can control human reality once and for all, and rigid and hierarchical structures, are certainly aspects to manage and control reality that have fallen bad times, they are, as it were, out of fashion. For the gravitational field cases, there are two examples in which the well-known "Universal Newton inverse law of gravitation" does not hold anymore. The aim of our science since Galileo times was to find on the one side laws that agreed with the observed reality, and on the other to make predictions about it. But we saw that even in the pendulum case that aim was a fallacy.

Ideal models have been a good medium to manage and control reality. But then we have the task, to contrast that model with reality, and establishing its corresponding deviations. We then have a validity range,and the task to adjust again the model to reality. This is a scientific procedure that establishes an interrelationship among reality, the mind that prepossess the model, and again reality itself, but then in an intermediate domain, the one we have named the formsyndomain. Here is where we have a truly deviation between this proposal and those of holistic types.

When the BUS concept is applied, it means a system, as we have said several times along this work, but also means a unit in which the qualitative, the form, and change are implicit. So the BUS model cannot hope to produce once and for all a completely done reality, one that will be always the same, in all cases, nor it can hope either to say everything about reality. In this framework it is natural to find laws whose applicability depends, not on a framework, not on a Cartesian or einsteinian geometric-analytical framework, but on reality itself. And this means in fact a reference to the domain of reality we have called the beingsyndomain and not to a mental model.

The BUS concept by being based on the principle, the principle of synergy, can be applied in many cases, and in all domains of reality, but in each case, it must be validated, as a good engineering tool. This is so important in our changing times, as the fashion of mental models, has the great inconvenience that its effects, specially the failure ones, touches the individual. Organizations and societies has to pay a very high price for it too.

Complexities, generalization of laws, the application of mental models, are certainly today reality aspects, that can be solved not with holistic models, not with a greater centralization model, but by applying a model whose adaptability depends on the concrete case. The greatest drawback of holism and centralization, is that, if the center and its decisions are wrong then, those errors will propagate to the whole system. Planet Mercury, to think it in the terms of our main objective in this chapter, is so near the sun, that all its reality seems to be revolving with it too, as we can observe in the main figure of this chapter. The normal Newton law of gravitation does not hold for it anymore. The great astronomical distance problem, are so far from its center that we have the contrary to the planet Mercury, and this will be our mathematical conclusion.

A singularity in our context, is a fundamental deviation of reality, a negation of reality itself, and not some sort of escaping medium. This will be the conclusion we will have through the mathematical treatments of great gravity bodies, as opposed to black holes, and as derived from a "real" number partial treatment. The problem is not with mental models at all, but with the mathematical treatment of reality. It is this treatment the one will take us near or farther of reality.

The syndomain concept as an independent domain of reality different, from that of mind, gives us the possibility to take a farther view of it, just an "out there view", so paradoxes, contradictions and subjectivism are reduced and as so the metaphysical tendency. The cosmic time-space continuum will be then immersed in that domain, where the BUS application, makes us think in a great cosmic system in steady state, in which stability, is reinforced by means of those great gravity bodies.

The complex mathematical symbolism is different from that of a "real" mathematical one, just because that one gives us a space for uncertainty, but at the same time it preserves the precision and efficacy of this last one. In this sense the object of science is to enlarge our influence over things too, but, as we have both uncertainty and the qualitative included as well, the term efficacy does not have just a quantitative connotation anymore. In this sense our science will be farther from ancient science whose essential object was to grasp a privileged moment of an object to fix it under an arrested form. The new mathematical symbolism we are proposing not only works with a view to measure, but by considering reality by itself, in its two aspects, the within and the without, it can close any gap between the model and reality.

Gravitation, Rotation and Complex Numbers

In the normal case of gravitational fields the component DS', which is related with the geometry of space, was not affected by the factor Beta. But in case of the planet Mercury, the whole ellipse seems to be affected by the sun gravitational fields, like if in some way it was attached to that field.

So let us consider again the expression for gravitational fields in a more general and exact way as:

DS = (sqr( Beta) )* dE + J*dS' (1)

where in this case we must make additional suppositions regarding the factor Beta, and also we must consider that the geometry is affected and as so DS'.

Historically this solution is due to Schwarzchild, but I really do not know, if due to some kind of prejudice, it was never presented in its complex form. I do not see though, how it could have been solved in other way. It certainly does not fit in a real metrics only. For an electrical engineer complex numbers are for real, he cannot have any prejudice about them, as the load flow, one of his main tools as a power engineer, is a complex expression, in the same way the Complex Wave Equation of Quantum Mechanics.

Additionally as we have seen along our road, complex numbers are so general that they permit us to see the whole and beautiful picture of reality in just one shot. The factor Beta must be such that when R >> Ro then the relation

Abs(DS)/Abs(dE) = 1

will hold. So Schwarshild gave the solution for Beta as:

Abs(DS)/Abs(dE) = 1/Beta


Beta = 1 - Ro/ R


1/ beta = 1 + Ro/R

when R >> Ro and this is insofar as dE is concerned.

Please note that when R>>Ro then 1/Beta becomes one. We must make, though, an additional supposition regarding the geometrical component, DS', as we have said, by affecting its dR inversely by Beta so

dS' = sqr [d R ² (1- Ro / R) + R ² * d q ² ]

which gives reason of the observed variation as we shall see, but it also has a factor of singularity, when Ro=R insofar as the pure geometrical aspect is concerned.

From the other aspect that can be considered we can deduce that when R = Ro the component associated with form becomes zero. This can interpreted as an explosion (another way to express an energy-mass conversion) when the point of singularity is reached.

It can also be interpreted as some kind of switching operation of the whole system, to preserve its steady state, so that what we can really have is a great dark gravity body and not a black hole. When the singularity point is reached matter is transformed into another form of energy.

We all have enjoyed that science fiction stuff about black holes, and how they might be used as interdimensional doors to other universes, or parallels universes or even to hell. But if this proposal has some sense then they must be reconsidered as important switching devices in the whole system, and reality after all will be nearer to what we already know, and farther from some kind of science fiction supposition stuff, very imaginative but fiction after all.

But then we can have those near-singularity cases, in which all the mass of the system is so concentrated that we have a great dark gravity body. And it could serve as that necessary explaining concept needed to balance the whole gravitational system and which could give reason of the observed trajectories and velocities insofar as great astronomical distances is concerned.

Gravitational Field of Mercury

But let us go on with the task to find an expression for those cases in which we must not ignore the Beta factor for the dual component of the basic unit.

By multiplying by the conjugate the complex expression of the basic unit we obtain

DS ² = - dR ² / Beta - R ² * d q + Beta * d E ²

which after some manipulations becomes

( d U / d q ) ² + U ² * Beta = -Beta/(h') ² + Beta ² / (h') ² * (dE/DS) ²

but replacing dE/DS as a function of Beta we obtain:

(dU/ dq ) ² + U ² * Beta = -Beta/(h') ² + 1 / (h') ²

if we replace Beta as a function of Ro and U = 1/R

(d U / d q ) ² + U ² = - Ro * U * U ² + Ro * U / (h') ²

if we again take the derivative of this expression with respect to q we obtain on one side

2* (dU / d q )* d² U / d q ² + 2* U* dU / dq

and on the other

3 * Ro * U ² * ( d U / d q ) + (Ro / (h') ² ) * (d U / d q )

and finally:

d ² U / d q ² + U = 3 * (Ro / 2) * U ² + Ro / 2(h') ²

if we consider that

GM = Ro * V /2 then

d ² U / d q ² + U = GM / h ² + 3 * ( GM / V ² ) * U ²

which is the exact expression for gravitational fields of a solar system, which becomes the normal Newton equation when R>>Ro.

In the basic unit method when the system can be completed determined then we can find a simple differential equation, but when it is not , that equation will be complex.

Another important aspect is that V must be taken as the speed of light to give reason of the deviation of perihelion of planet Mercury.

In the book Vector and Tensor Analysis. Harry Lass. McGraw-Hill, at the end, we can find how from this equation we can give reason of the observed displacement of planet Mercury as Einstein demonstrated in his famous work about the General theory of relativity. In the case of Mercury it is so close to the sun, that the master field drags its whole system or Bus.

The fact that V is the speed of light means that gravitational fields "recognize" too, that velocity, as an absolute constant in the universe insofar as physical aspects of reality is concerned. Perhaps if this were not the case then we would have some fundamentals to speculate about the possibility to transcend that limit. Space distances, the gravitational fields and the velocity of light are real limits for physical bodies.

Fields, Gravitation and Dark Gravity Bodies

The concept of field is familiar to the electrical engineer, and certainly it has a physical and more evident counterpart in cases where the field is a magnetic field. Probably we all have experimented with them and have felt how by putting two magnets together there is some sort of strange thing, which is just a field or as if the space around where really distorted by the magnetic field.

The normal conceptual definition of a field implies a force exerted over a test charge or mass. The concept of charge does not exist for magnetic field as a matter of fact. Is it due to the fact that magnetic fields, being fundamentals, cannot be reduced, as those gravitational and electric fields can, that in fact they can be defined in this way?

Thus an electric or gravitational field, both called conservative fields, are defined from the point of view of its effects on particular objects, particles or charges as

Field = F/(m or q)

The corresponding law of force for the normal Newtonian case will be then

F/m = (d ² U / d q ² + U) * h ² * U ²

and in the case of planet mercury the expression will be

F/m = (GM /h ² + 3 * (GM / V ² ) * U ²) * h ² * U ²

which becomes the Newtonian one when U is sufficiently small or else when R>>Ro.

The radius Ro can be associated with that smallest radius in which the body or mass in question starts to be an independent entity from the master gravitational field in question. So when the radius R of the master gravitational system as a whole is Ro, we can say that all the mass is concentrated in the master mass. And so we can say that the dark mass gravity body has almost eaten all its masses around; it is some sort of an almost closed thermodynamic system.

Dark Gravity Bodies or Gravity Compensators?

Once we have a dark gravity body, as a system, it has stop to exchange energy with its environment. Though belonging to a higher system its gravitational field can play an important role, in balancing things around in the whole system, like some sort of "a balancing pulley" .

In the same way the explosion of dark gravity body is like if a compensator device had switched off, a dark gravity body is that compensator on, some sort of homeostasis device and so the universe in its totality can be seen as some kind of a huge steady state system, conformed by smaller units of that same model or pattern, each one with its own life, that after its death can become a wasting useful entity for the whole system.

Electrical engineers have had similar problems when trying to understand how inductors and compensators behave in a power system; they are "imaginary" elements it is said, but the security of a power system depends on them. In the same way those Dark gravity bodies can be seen as gravity compensators of the whole system. But then appear new forces when the whole system is considered. And they can only be deduced from their effects around as we cannot see them. In certain way when finding great gravitational asymmetries, or the need to explain an unknown gravitational behavior, we can suppose there is a Dark gravity body. By their effects in the environment around their existence can be deduced .

The result of those Dark gravity bodies is deviations from the normal equations for gravitational fields. In the same way we had different equation for explaining the behavior of the planet Mercury, we must then have a different expression for the gravitational field of the galactic system as a whole. Based on the work of Michael Disney, in his book The hidden Universe, we will use his proposal to define the field for those cases of great astronomical distances at galactic level. But in this case the additional forces comes from the dark gravity bodies, whose purpose is to compensate gravity in the whole system and to maintain the system in steady state.

According to Disney we will have the following expression for galactic gravitational fields:

F/m = GM*U*(1/(U*Do) + 1 )

where Do is some kind of galactic constant which could be function of the Dark Gravity Bodies that must be included when the whole system is considered but must be thrown away when R is of the same order as that constant.

In this way the gravitational field will be given by:

d ² U / d q + U = GM / h ² * ( 1 + 1 /( U * Do ))

and this means that under this equation there must be associated a corresponding and equivalent expression for the Bus.

The Gravitational Cosmic System

One of the most dramatic aspect of dualism is that while it intents to classify everything in manageable elementary units, it denies at the same time whole domains of reality. It may not be a conscious effort, and even the deepest man purpose may not be that negation, but actually it is. The schism we saw in physics this century, and that Karl Popper gave special attention, is clear example.

Let us ask ourselves some sort of metaphysical question. Is there a real center, constructed in such a way that each center appears to be independent of the other centers? Or must we consider ourselves as a faulty and improbable experiment of the forces of the universe and "After an enormously long time...All the structures with which we are now familiar will disappear" ?

What would happen if we viewed a Universe of Universes in which there was a Steady Open System state that is continually exchanging energy, matter and information among all syndomains? This would include the space-time continuum, and a state in which dark gravity bodies, not only work as gravity compensators but also as inductors or balancing devices of cosmic realities. Is this "A dream of a final theory"? Or just a song which expresses a profound feeling for the need to be in relation with a Source so that we do not feel alone in such a vast universe?.

The answer to these questions depend on our paradigm, our metal models behind our decisions, and has nothing to do being or not a scientific one. They do not have to do even with science. I remember the impression I received when I started to study electrical engineering, and saw the arrogant phrase written by Lord Kelvin, insofar we cannot know anything if it is not measured.

I have always believe that subjectivity is a powerful reality that influences all our decision more than anything else, and that subjectivity, cannot be measured, unless the way Lord Kelvin conceived measurements. That is why I do not have any fear to make metaphysical questions in a work that pretends to be scientific. Metaphysics is at last a well defined domain of reality, that a good scientist cannot discard. And the aim of this work is to proof, first to myself, then to the others that Lord Kelvin appreciation was wrong, partial, as it was a reductionist appreciation. Reality cannot be reduced to atomistic elementary units, which are quantitative, and linear, and that result from a mathematical approach based on "real" numbers.

The General System Theory was born from biology, from the study of organisms. But the Bus concept, is a minimum system of parts in interrelation, and so an open system. I think in this way we realize the reductionism dream without its disadvantages. The pendulum behaves as an organism, as with a minimum external stimulus, can maintain its intrinsic dynamism. But the key is its capacity to be in relation with its environment, with its openness attribute.

Copyright 1999 by EpsilonPi. ISBN 9583309788