arXiv:physics/0208025v1 [physics.class-ph] 7 Aug 2002
Toward a Universal Model of Damping -- Modified Coulomb Friction
Randall D. Peters
Department of Physics
Mercer University
1400 Coleman Ave
Macon, Georgia 31207
A modification of Coulombs law of friction uses a variable coefficient of friction that depends on a power law in the energy of mechanical oscillation. Through the use of three different exponents--0, ½, and 1; all commonly encountered non-viscous forms of damping are accommodated. The nonlinear model appears to yield good agreement with experiment in cases of surface, internal, and amplitude dependent damping.
Every complete course in basic physics treats Coulombs famous inverse square law of electrostatic force. Few courses, however, associate his name with the law of sliding friction, also treated. Perhaps influenced by the work of Leonardo DaVinci, Coulomb provided in 1779 a treatment of sliding friction that has stood the test of time.
His law is expressed in terms of two constant coefficients, one being of kinetic type, the other static, with the latter being larger than the former. Surprising to most, the magnitude of the force of friction between two surfaces is to first order independent of both speed and the area of contactdepending only on the normal force N between the surfaces.
Damping of a Harmonic Oscillator
Because of the textbook treatment of friction, many students would offer the following as their view of mechanical oscillation with damping
Figure 1. A damped hamonic oscillatorcase of traditional Coulomb type.
The block of mass m is shown sliding instantaneously to the right, as indicated by the velocity vector, v. Thus the kinetic friction force, f = -mkN is acting to the left at this instant; i.e., the Coulomb friction force opposes the direction of the velocity, but it does not depend on the magnitude of the velocity. Because the displacement of the block at the instant shown is right of equilibrium, the Hookes law spring force F = -kx is acting to the left. The equation of motion is given by
The decay of amplitude of this sytem is linear rather than the more common cases that are exponential. Thus it is not often treated in textbooks, even though engineering applications require its consideration because of structural joints. Another reason it has not been often discussed is because the equation of motion involves the nonlinear term, sgn(v); i.e., +1 for v to the right, -1 for v to the left.
It is more customary in harmonic oscillator problems to provide damping by a friction force of fluid type, involving a constant b, determined by the viscosity.
The factor of 2 is used because we know the answer ahead of time; i.e., exp(-bt) gives the rate at which the amplitude of oscillation decreases with time in free-decay.
Unfortunately, few mechanical systems can be found that are properly described by eq (2). Because it is mathematically attractive, however, many choose to express real world damping in terms of an equivalent viscous form.
The solution to eq (1) has been treated by a number of investigators, and it does have an analytic solution, in spite of its nonlinearity. In one treatment [1], it is shown that the friction may be thought of as equivalent to a frictionless system connected to a wall that moves left and right, always180 degrees out of phase with the motion of the block. Because the motion is a square wave, the wall is said to flip-flop.
The energy lost per cycle to friction (damping capacity) is an important consideration in any reasonable theoretical treatment of damping. The quality factor Q of an oscillator is defined as 2p times the ratio of the total energy to the damping capacity. For the viscous damped oscillator with period T, described by eq.(2), Q = p/(bT) = p/(logarithmic decrement).
Eq. (2) is overly simplistic because it predicts the damping capacity to be proportional to the frequency of oscillation. Although this may be a reasonable approximation for some cases, such as imposed eddy current damping; for many mechanical oscillators without external control, the damping capacity is more nearly independent of frequency. The author has shown this with a variety of pendula, and it was also demonstrated to be true of a long-period vertical seismometer by G. Streckeisen [2]. He used a Sprengnether S-5100V LaCoste-type, and removed the magnet to eliminate viscous damping from the instrument. Over periods ranging from 7 s to 140 s, he found the logarithmic decrement to show a clear quadratic dependence on period, rather than the linear dependence required of viscous damping. In other words, the damping capacity of this mass-spring oscillator was found to be independent of frequency. This experiment was especially significant because it involved a mass-spring system (nearly traditional harmonic oscillator) in which the damping mechanism was internal to the spring itself. Being of LaCoste type [3], it used one of the best spring designs ever manufactured.
The attractive property of eq (1) is that it predicts a damping capacity that is independent of frequency, as demanded by many experiments. Unfortunately, eq. (1) also predicts a linear decay of the amplitude of the motion, rather than an exponential. Thus the author was motivated in ref 1 to consider the generalized flip-flop model, in which a modified form of Coulombs law was postulated. Instead of being a constant (kinetic) coefficient of friction, the internal friction torque was made to decrease following each turning point of the motion. Later studies postulate such a decrease to derive from secondary creep in the load-bearing structures of the oscillator [4].
Various of the authors experiments spanning more than a decade suggest that material damping derives from hysteresis borne of granularity, and that the damping is not smooth at the mesoscale; but rather has generic features of hysteresis seen historically in (i) the Barkhausen effect of magnetic materials, and (ii) the Portevin LeChatelier effect in alloys. The latter example of jerkiness, though traditionally associated with alloysis also observable in a variety of virtually pure polycrystalline metalslike the hard element tungsten and the soft element indium. Acoustic emission is so powerful in an ingot of zinc that it can be heard with the ear alone, being described by the German word zinngeschrei = tin cries.
The non-smooth (non-fluid) character of hysteresis is characteristic of 1st order phase transitions. Most cases involve myriad interactions, resulting in dirty physics that has been avoided by most through the years. An exception was Richard Feynman who said the following about the Barkhausen effect in his Lectures on Physics, (section II.37-3): ``It is not hard to show that the magnetization process in the middle part of the magnetization curve is jerky - that the domain walls jerk and snap as they shift. All you need is a coil of wire [...] ".
The previous models presented by the author contained two unattractive features: (i) the need to compute the magnitude of the previous turning point of the motion before calculating the present value of the friction, and (ii) the nonlinear term, sgn(v). Both can be eliminated by using an equivalent viscous form for the equation of motion, with a constant c
as was done in ref 4. Notice that there is no subscript 0 associated with w in eq (3). Textbooks make much of the frequency change of the oscillator that results from viscous damping, in spite of the fact that such an effect may not even be present in mechanical oscillators, and attention to it is probably unwarranted anyway; because of Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.
In engineering references, eq.(3) is usually referred to as hysteretic damping. Because the damping coefficient of the equation is no longer constant, but rather a constant divided by frequency; it yields a damping capacity that is independent of frequency (since the derivative of displacement pulls out frequency). Though it appears to thus solve a major disagreement between theory and experiment, it does appear to have a serious shortcoming. Later in this paper, experimental data will be provided that shows the linear eq. (3) lacks harmonic structure that is present in the decay of real systems. The observed harmonics can be accommodated, however, by the modified Coulomb damping model that follows.
Modified Coulomb Damping Model
Coulombs law of sliding friction is modified by assuming that the coefficient of friction involves the energy of oscillation in a power law; i.e.,
where c = constant. For Coulomb (sliding) friction l = 0. For amplitude-independent damping of hysteretic type, l = ½. For amplitude dependent damping l = 1. In all cases, if c <<1 (small damping), the damping capacity is independent of frequency, so that the internal friction Q 1 ~ w-2.
Eq. (4) is easily implemented, in spite of the nonlinear term, sgn(v); which we will see later to be cause for harmonics in the decay.
Plots that were generated using eq. (4) are provided in figure 2. To solve the equation, it was rewritten as a pair of coupled first order expressions which were then integrated using the Cromer modified Euler algorithm [5].
Figure 2. Some properties of harmonic oscillation damped according to eq. (4) with l = 1/2.
The ease with which the equations can be treated numerically is illustrated by the Table I code, which integrates eq. (4) and plots displacement, velocity, and friction force vs time (results not shown).
TABLE I Quickbasic Coding of Equation (4).
VIEW (0, 0)-(600, 470): WINDOW (-0, -1)-(1, 1)
x = 8
k = 1: m = 2
dt = .002
c = .02
t = t + dt
en = .5 * m * v ^ 2 + .5 * k * x ^ 2
ff = c * m * SQR(en / k)
IF v < 0 THEN ff = -ff
vd = (-ff - k * x) / m
v = v + vd * dt
x = x + v * dt
PSET (.01 * t, .1 * x)
PSET (.01 * t, .1 * v), 3
PSET (.05 * t, 0), 2
PSET (.01 * t, .5 * ff), 5
GOTO start
The program does not terminate as shown, but it also does not blow up. To stop execution, hit ctrl-break.
It can be readily shown that eq. (4) agrees with what is sometimes called universal damping by having a damping capacity that is independent of frequency, at least for small values of c.
Harmonic Content
A simple computation of the power spectrum of x(t) from eq. (4) does not show appreciable harmonic distortion. On the other hand, the spectrum of the difference (residuals) between x(t) and its best-fit based on the solution to eq (2)is rich in harmonics, as illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Harmonic differences between the residuals of the modified Coulomb Damping Model and the classic viscous damping model.
For reference purposes the spectrum of a pure sawtooth is included in the figure. It can be seen that the residuals for the modified Coulomb case are similar to the sawtooth. Residuals are produced for the viscous case because the equation of motion is being integrated numerically and compared against the classic damped exponential sinusoid (solution to the equation) that was used for fitting in all cases. There is always some degree of mismatch with the fit because of rounding errors in the computer. In Fig. 3 the fundamental is smaller for the viscous case because the fit is inherently more perfect by about an order of magnitude in most of the eye-ball fits that were performed by Excel after importation of the data.
Experimental Data
To compare with the theory, several experiments were conducted with both pendula and a Sprengnether vertical seismometer owned by the author. The data which follow are taken from seismometer measurements, but all of the oscillators showed similar properties. Figure 4 shows free-decay data in which the period was 17 s. Even at this relatively short period compared to the longest eigenperiod considered by Streckeisen, it was necessary to let the system stabilize overnight before decent data collection was possible. The sensor used was an array form of the symmetric differential capacitive sensor patented by the author [6]. The collection system was via computer using the Dataq Di-154RS analog to digital converter.
Figure 4. Experimental data from a Sprengnether vertical seismometer. The top plot is (i) free-decay of displacement, (ii) superposed viscous model solution fit, and (iii) difference = residuals. The bottom plot is the power spectrum of the experimental displacement.
The fit in Fig. 4 is close enough that one must look carefully to see a visual difference between them.
Whereas the spectrum of the instrument alone, shown in the bottom plot of Fig. 4 does not show much harmonic content, such is not true of the residuals, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
Figure 5. Spectrum of the residuals, free-decay Sprengnether case corresponding to Fig. 4.
The presence of harmonics 2 through 8 (especially 3) in Fig. 5, having at least some similarity to the modified Coulomb theoretical case of Fig. 3suggests that the damping is nonlinear and cannot be strictly treated by an equivalent viscous model.
A variety of factors contribute to the inability of experimental data (residuals) to agree completely with theory. For example, it is seen from the Fig 4 residuals that quite a bit of phase noise is present in the seismometer (in what looks like beats but is not). As the period of the instrument increases this noise becomes worse. One should not be surprised by this behavior; it is the very reason that a grandfather clock is worse than a quartz watch is worse than an atomic clock in terms of precision. The many modes responsible for the phase noise in the pendulum are also the cause for the many interactions responsible for damping. That wouldnt be the case if the system were linear, since then the normal modes would remain independent of one another.
Although the term noise is used to describe the variations in phase, reality may be more nearly like the misnomer applied to chaotic systems before the recognition of chaos. In the present case, the complexity may be capable of unusual periodicities in the midst of baffling complexity. Such is true, for example, of acoustic emissions from some shape memory alloys when they are cycled around the martensitic phase transition [7].
Were it not for the observed harmonic content, we might be able to live with eq. (3) and no further questions. The overall importance of sgn(v), as a nonlinear term responsible for the harmonics, remains unclear at this time. The present paper does provide evidence that damping is fundamentally nonlinear. What remains to be demonstrated is whether or not the nonlinearity could be a factor in mode-coupling, a phenomenon that is impossible with linear approximations.
The results also lend strong support to the authors contention for years now, that it is not meaningful to use transform(linear)theory to describe mechanical oscillators at low levels of the motion. It is standard practice, even in recent high-dollar, sophisticated projects to estimate system performance by this means. Perhaps the unacceptability of using superposition to describe nonlinear systems is at the very heart of the widespread lack of self-consistency in these endeavors.
[1] R. Peters and T. Pritchett, "The not-so-simple harmonic oscillator", Amer. J. Phys. 65, 11, pp1067-1073, (1997).
[2] G. Streckeisen, Untersuchungen zur Messgenauigkeit langperiodischer Seismometer, Diplomarbeit, Institut für Geophysik der ETH Zürich, 1974. (Unpublished, information provided by E. Wielandt.)
[3] The patented LaCoste zero-length spring was the basis for long-period vertical seismometers and gravimeters. It was developed by Lucien LaCoste as a graduate student of physics at the University of Texas in 1932.
[4] R. Peters, "Creep and mechanical oscillator damping, Los Alamos arXiv (
[5] A. Cromer, "Stable solutions using the Euler approximation", Am. J. Phys. 49(5) 455-459 (1981).
[6] R. Peters, "Full-bridge capacitive extensometer'', Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64(8), 2250 (1993). The extensometer of this reference has cylindrical electrodes, whereas the sensor for the present study uses planar electrodes; however, they are electrically equivalent. A description of the sensors is found at
[7] Amengual et al., Thermochimica Acta 116, 195 (1987). For a figure taken from their work and other good pages about hysteresis, refer to the webpages of Prof. Sethna at