arXiv:physics/0203066v1 [physics.gen-ph] 21 Mar 2002

The Eleven Questions About the Cosmos Answered : Let the Cognoscenti Decide


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The National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. has posed eleven important questions about the Cosmos. This paper answers most of the questions based on the new concepts about "What is Time - A New Mathematico Physical and Information Theoretic Approach" and "Estimation of Gravitational Constant ‘GN

from CMBR data and Hubble’s Parameter in physics/0106073 and physics/0106083. The answers in brief as well as some explanatory notes have been appended to each question. Author welcomes critical comments and queries.


The Eleven Questions About the Cosmos Answered : Let the Cognoscenti Decide


This paper meets the challenge posed by the National Academy Of Sciences (USA) under the Chairmanship of Prof. Michale Turner through the " Eleven Questions" squarely and well. This is based on the new concepts about "What is Time - A New Mathematico Physical and Information Theoretic Approach" and "Estimation of Gravitational Constant ‘GN’ from CMBR data and Hubble’s Parameter posted on Web as physics/0106073 and physics/0106083. Some of the reasoning advanced in those papers may take some effort to follow because of the novelty of the ideas . Major paradigm shifts which have been adopted are given there. However some further clarifications which will be necessary in the context of the Eleven questions are given after the brief answer for each . At the end, further aspects and questions which arise have been posed and dealt with in some detail.

Recently the "Discover Magazine" has altered the order of the questions. In fact these questions have become quite an industry in the hands of the science correspondents of various scientific and technical journals and magazines!

The questions and answers follow in the order in which they appear in the original list.


Q.1.What is dark matter?

No distinction between matter and energy. Ultra cold entity – Dynamic Universe

The essence of the new approach is to put emphasis on space and momentum together rather than matter and energy embedded in a vacuum. Eddington was the first to enunciate that there is no need to think of an infinite universe. In the present approach the model of the universe is one in which finite number of entities called Ekons are in close contact with one another. These entities do not coalesce in to each other. They constitute an effective three dimensions. Geometrically these ekons are visualized as a half twist. It is postulated that these are generated and the space is an assembly of finite number of these and being pushed apart thereby constituting the observed universe and expansion dependent upon net random creation of the basic entities. Thus this question and the fourth question have a common answer . Thermodynamically they are very cold . One may wonder how a repulsive interaction can give rise to what we perceive as gravity which is attractive! This point is dealt with under the Question No.4.


Q.2.What are the masses of the neutrinos, and how have they shaped the

evolution of the universe?

Mass zero but flavor switching explanation

Masses of the neutrinos – zero. Explanation of the oscillations possible

It is now well established that the solar neutrinos going through the earth have an oscillation character and the current thinking seems to attribute this to a small mass for the neutrinos thereby trying to find an alibi for the dark mass in passing. Actually it is quite possible that the neutrinos may be of different character like Isotopes of elements and switching from one to the other. The number of ekons constituting the neutrinos are small like a bicycle ( a most unstable object !) A simple example from daily life may illustrate how a little change can produce stable and unstable situation. Ordinary cycle is the most unstable object but still how does a person manage to keep it upright ?

This is because if one observes carefully the person will, say start falling to the right momentarily he changes the wheel to tilt in the opposite direction there by keeping him stable. Such may be the type of mechanism by which neutrinos may acquire stability. Computation of the time scale of this oscillation is a good problem. Hope somebody computes it.


Q.3.Are there additional space-time dimensions?

No. Additional space time dimensions are not required

The case for de-linking space and time has already been made clear in my earlier contribution "What is Time - A New Mathematico Physical and Information Theoretic Approach". Therefore no additional dimensions are required . Also just three dimensions are enough. This takes care of the inverse square law of gravitation.


Q.4. What is the nature of dark energy?

Ultra cold

The emphasis is on space and momentum rather than energy and time

It has already been emphasized in the earlier papers that the entities generated constitute a very cold assembly obeying essentially the Fermic Dirac statistics. The width of the derivative at the Fermi level really constitutes the actual thermodynamic temperature which can slowly become larger and this width will be measure of the age of the universe.

Q.5.Are protons unstable?

No. Protons and Electrons are the most stable particles. Their stability is related to their ultimate constitution in terms of Ekons. Role of prime numbers as already been emphasized.

It is well known that Protons and Electrons along with Helium constitute the major portion of the baryonic content of the universe . It is proposed that the stability of the particle is dependent upon the number of ekons constituting them being a prime number. If it is not a prime (non- Abilene group) it can be factored in to two thereby impairing the stability of the particle. Some numerical example have been given in my earlier Papers and some prime numbers are quoted. It should not be that they are the actual prime numbers. Depending upon the precision of the actual observational data the exact number can be approximated to. For example the ratio of the masses of the Proton to the electron is very accurately known thereby limiting the choice of prime number chosen.

One of the major aspects of the stability of the matter is the stability of the corresponding nuclei . Imagine the nucleus or say uranium which consists of only 92 protons and the balance of few hundred held together by neutrons. Neutrons are not very stable. On the other hand they manage to be highly stable within the atomic nucleus by literally exchanging ekons from protons thereby constituting a strong force.


Q.6.How did the universe begin?

The universe began in a humble way by creation of ekons.

Unlike the much hyped big bang. In this connection it is best to quote the following from John Maddox’s "What Remains To Be Discovered" P.122

"…………. the idea that the universe began in a single event, the big bang, will be found false . For most of the five centuries since Galileo first saw moons of Jupiter through a telescope, observers of the heavens have been like kidnap victims seeking to learn where they are from the chinks of light that reach them through imperfect blindfolds, half a century from now, cosmologists will have a much better idea of what kind of universe they are expected to explain. The once and for all universe of Genesis, or of Guth’s equivalent, is an improbable out come" . With due consideration for the valuable remarks of Maddox it is submitted that it is not necessary to wait half a century . The model proposed does not lead to severe intellectual gymnastics to understand. The net generation of ekons constituting the space called Chalachala (dynamic space)neatly describes the growing universe.


Continuous Creation and ultra large numbers has already been surmised by Dirac and commented upon by several others. This is highly relevant in the light of new ideas already presented under "What is Time - A New Mathematico- Physical and Information Theoretic Approach" referred to earlier.


Q.7.Did Einstein have the last word on gravity?

Brief answer No. Einstein’s contribution should be seen carefully in the historical perspective and in the light of observational information available at the time he formulated his theories. The key observation of relevance to us is that accelerated frame of reference under gravity annuls the gravitational force.

How Newton’s gravitational constant GN can be estimated from cosmological data is explained in the paper "Estimation of Gravitational Constant GN form CMBR data and Hubbles Parameter" physics/0106083. For the first time Newton’s gravitational constant GN has been estimated by these simple principles instead of being taken as the measured value.

  1. On gravity : One may wonder "how a repulsive interaction can lead to attraction?!" It is here that one of the main paradigm shift need to be recalled viz what one is dealing with an entity which has the characteristic of both position and momentum when the entities come near, their momentum would increase! This exactly what happens when a body falls under gravitation and an acceleration results for both bodies albeit in opposite directions. The heavier would move slowly compared to the lighter one. The common center of mass would not alter at all.
  2. In a sea of the basic entities if there is a hole without containing anything. Such a hole would move along with the rest and would be deemed to have a "negative " mass. Two such negative masses would also be attracted towards each other and the attractive nature of the gravitation would remain intact. Hence the universality of gravitation is justified.
  3. Regarding the estimate of the Newtonian gravitational constant GN, some clarification is appropriate. The procedure adopted is as follows : The Hubbles parameter is taken and from it, it is possible to estimate the volume of the universe. The spatial volume of one ekon is ( h /2p )3/2 and its reciprocal is the density usually called the critical density = Ho-1/GN

\ GN=Ho-1/pcritical.

It is necessary to introduce the unit of mass say in MKS units. Masses are compared against a standard. Here a balance is used and the gravitational acceleration of ‘g’ only comes in and not the GN .

Information available for Einstein at that time lead to the following

a. The special theory of relativity and based on the linear Maxwells theory of electromagnetism. Note that the main special relativity approach had already been made by Poincare and Lorentz (Ref. Whittakers books ….1910 and 1960)

  1. As far as gravitation is concerned, Einstein did realize the importance of adding a generation term but retracted laying too much emphasis on the Lorentz transformation. Presently in the mass energy relationship the famous E=mc2 is of doubtful status (Ref Max Jammers books)

There is no lack of papers on the original suggestion by Wheeler that at very short spatial scales, the structure of space may be a form of "Spin Foams". A recent article is by Daniele Oriti under the title "Space Geometry From Algebra : Spin Foam Models for non-perturbative Quantum gravity also includes lot of what is called co-variant approach "Spin Net Work" and a specific review of the Barrett-Crane Model in quantum Geometry. However, most of these approaches start with the four dimensional geometry and relying on the Lorentz transformation. These have to be given up. The approach presented by this author in his earlier papers as well as the present answers to eleven questions are based on excluding this Lorentz transformation. It must be observed the Lorentz transformation uses the speed of light and not the velocity. These have been discussed at length in the earlier communications and confidentially claimed that the complete formulation of quantum gravity has been solved.

A further program in the form of the "Possibilities" have been listed below.

a. Possibility of estimating The Speed Velocity of light (just as it was possible to

estimate GN).

  1. Possibility of estimating the unit of charge ‘e’ from fundamental principles.
  2. Possibility of estimating the Boltzmann’s constant KB from fluctuations.
  3. How to "transcend" the "Fundamental units" of length, time, mass, temperature.


Q.8.How do cosmic accelerators work and what are they accelerating?

Brief answer yes. Possibility of creation of small regions in early stages of their evolution/existence linking to the main universe. This may be the source of the cosmic rays.

It is best to picture the assembly like a Mandelbrot set whose length is dependent upon the length and momentum scale applicable.


Recent comments and spate of discussions in various Fora.

Notes from the Physics World March’ 02 , Vol.15 No.3, P 8 & 9

Edward Wittens interview about super string revolution problems / challenges.

10 spatial dimensions – to three (compactify)

How to break the symmetry

How to get the cosmological constant small enough. Present answers are too big by a factor of 1060 to 10120 without super symmetry breaking.

In the present approach this huge factor have been adequately taken care of.

The science correspondent of Physics World describes Giovanni Amelino-Camelia as a person with a mission to inject some realism into the strange world of fundamental physics. According to Camelia it is necessary that the main quality of a theory is whether it can be falsified or not and makes the following remarks .

"This appears to be common sense but instead the Quantum gravity community often considers beauty to be more important than testability ".

Various possible lines of resolution are suggested. However still the link with the Lorentz transformation is not given up.

Remarks about cosmic Rays. Energies in excess of 1020 High energy photons from a galaxy called markarian 501.

Regarding the possible origin of cosmic rays refer to the paper " What is Time - A New Mathematico- Physical and Information Theoretic Approach" .


Q.9.Are there new states of matter at exceedingly high density and


Brief answer yes. As gravitational collapse proceeds it is already well renown that there are neutron stars. It is quite possible that these may be "quark stars".



Q.10. Is a new theory of matter and light needed at the highest energies?

Brief answer No.

Integration of matter/light in to a single primary constituent encompass all kinds of matter radiation as well as the dark matter.



Q.11.How were the elements from iron to uranium made?

Starting regions due to exchange of intermediate entities.

The formation of heavy elements beyond iron is dependent of the stability of the particles. Role of prime number and the relative stability of the heavy elements follow from the time scales.


Further questions and remarks there on

What are the sturdy features of the new approach ?

The sturdy features of the present approach are as follows. They will be conceded by the cognoscenti sooner or later perhaps sooner than later.

  1. The concept of a joint "space-momentum" (composed of Ekons)
  2. Finite number of finite entities called ekons there by avoiding infinities altogether .
  3. The only interaction is repulsive (only at close quarters).
  4. Geometric visualization of the entities as a half twist.
  5. Heisenbergs uncertainty relation should be applied in three dimensions. The popular one dimension version D c D p » ½ h are all only pseudo.
  6. Evaluation of the Newtonian gravitational constant GN from Hubbles expansion parameter Ho.
  7. Stability of the fundamental particles the electron and the proton.
  8. Smooth transition to Einstein’s covariant field equation.
  9. All forces can be viewed as particular aspects of the general and the universality in terms of the time/momentum scales.
  10. Super symmetry concretized.


Quote from John Maddox’s "What Remains To Be Discovered" P.102

" So far, there have been some ingenious, but unconvincing , essays in that direction. What if space has a foamlike structure, for example? In the early 1950s, Homi J.Bhabha, later the father of the Indian atomic energy program (and of India’s capability for causing nuclear explosions) was toying with the idea that points in space are intrinsically ill-defined. His research articles on the subject amounted to an attempt to build Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle into all estimates of the distance between two objects. Bhabha readily persuaded his colleagues that he was a clever man, but failed to convince them that his recipe was the right one."

In applying the Heisenberg uncertainty principle the prevailing practice is to use it in one dimension. This is highly inappropriate and such relations can be termed only pseudo uncertainty relations. Actually one has to remember that it’s a vectorial triple product in the nature of a volume but with a signature. In understanding the new concepts proposed by this author this point has to be borne in mind. Perhaps if Bhabha had pursued his ideas he could have come to the important conclusions. However the observational information about the Cosmos would not have been available at that time to round off the theory.


Additional matter

  1. All forces unified in to a single repulsive interaction
  2. Basic entities (ekons) can join together keeping their chirality intact.
  3. Speed of light – Its role
  4. Hierarchy question from physics of fundamental particles and in cosmology
  5. Items which are 120 orders of magnitude smaller from the natural scale. The

    cosmological problem where the universe is found flat.

    Quote from G.G.Ross’s "Structure beyond the Standard Model", Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.A (2001) P 408 :

    " The most pressing hierarchy question is why is the cosmological constant some 120 orders of magnitude smaller than its natural scale, the Planck scale ? I shall have nothing to say about this problem except that it becomes a problem only once one has a complete theory including gravity. In the context of the Standard Model alone the most pressing hierarchy problem is explaining why the electroweak breaking scale, characterized by the Higgs mass, should be some symmetry principle in the Standard Model capable of protecting the Higgs mass 16 orders of magnitude below the Planck scale (Mplanck @ 1018 Gev). There is no from acquiring large radiative corrections of the order of the Planck scale. In field theory at the quantum level there are radiative corrections involving the point-coupling of the Higgs to itself and to other states of the theory. These radiative corrections depend quadratically on the cut-off scale for the momenta, k, of the virtual states, and if this is taken at the Planck scale the Higgs will acquire mass of the order of the Planck scale. To avoid the hierarchy problem, the cut-off must be reduced to a scale not much above 103 GeV. If the Standard Model is an effective field theory descending from some underlying Theory of Everything, it is necessary to explain why the cut-off should be so low. Three possibilities have been explored, each with its characteristic implications for physics just beyond the energy scale presently accessible"

  6. How repulsive interactions give an attractive force.

Quote from John Maddox’s "What Remains To Be Discovered" P.120

"The chief present obstacle to a better understanding of the physical world is the lack of an accomodation between gravitation and quantum mechanics. Now evidence is available to link the two (gr and qm).

Quote from John Maddox’s "What Remains To Be Discovered" P.121

" So what lies ahead? What follows is simply speculation, but is seriously intended. The idea that the laws of physics are somehow embodied in the structure of what we call empty space, the vacuum, has come to stay, but whether string theory or its elaborations is the explanation remains an open question. If, eventually, a picture of quantum gravity commands attention, we shall find that it is possible to know more about a black hole than its mass and angular momentum; Einsteins’s hunch that the classical concept of a black hole is metaphysical (and thus intolerable) will be proved correct.

Quote from Carlip’s "Quantum gravity : a Progress report

"A Proper treatment of quantum gravity even determine initial conditions of the universe, making cosmology a completely predictive science"

"……. Mixture of hope and fear; hope that it can solve some fundamental problems in general relativity and quantum field theory and perhaps offer us a unified picture of physics and fear that a failure will demonstrate underlying flaws

in the picture of physics – we think we understand "lack of understanding of what quantized space time might mean".

A fair understanding of the new ideas would certainly dispel the fears and "lack of understanding of what quantized space time might mean".

Meaning and usage of certain words

  1. Meta Physics :
  2. a. Nature of being (Reality) – (Ontology)

    b. Origin and Structure of the world (Cosmology)

    c. Related to theory of knowledge (Epistemology)

    (Meta Physics) see pages 491 (bottom) to 492 of the New Flowers Modern English usage edit by R.W.Burchfield. This paper is confined to item ‘b’

    Quintessence " (In ancient philosophy) ether, the fifth essence or element of heavenly bodies and latent in all things"

  3. Nature of Fundamental "Constants" Diracs views
  4. Time variation

  5. What needs to be given up



Mathematical Notes

Ubiquitous ½

Ubiquitous i - ordered pair of numbers

Role of Prime Numbers


Other comments

Presently precision levels are due to silicon technology and counting speed stability of high frequency sources (including extremely large objects like quasars)

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