arXiv:math-ph/9807015v3 6 May 1999
math-ph/9807015v2 3 Sep 1998 math-ph/9807015 14 Jul 1998A Modified Equation for Neural Conductance
and Resonance
Robert Showalter
of Wisconsin, Madison
A modified equation, the S-K equation, fits data that
the current neural conduction equation, the K-R equation, does not. The
S-K equation is a modified Heaviside equation, based on a new interpretation
of cross terms. Elements of neural anatomy and function are reviewed to
put the S-K equation into context. The fit between S-K and resonance-like
neural data is then shown.
Recently, a Japanese television cartoon broadcast
bright and repetitive T.V. screen flashes. Many hundreds of children and
adults who saw the cartoon had epileptic seizures that resulted in hospital
visits(1). More than ten thousand children,
and many adults, seem to have been affected(2).
The cartoon makers accidentally repeated experiments that are discussed
below(3). None of the children who watched
the cartoon seems to have been permanently hurt. Even so, this event underscored
again the need to reconsider the differential equation now used to describe
passive neural conduction.
For more than thirty years, people have noticed that neurons
acting together in brains seem to have enormous inductance(4)
(5). Even so, the equation now used to model
these neurons, the Kelvin-Rall (K-R) equation, has no inductance.
is position on the conductor line, v is voltage, i is current, R, C and
G are
capacitance, and membrane leakage conductance, per unit length.)
The K-R equation at neural scales involves very large dissipation, more than is consistent with observations. Another difficulty is phase distortion. In K-R, velocity of propagation, vkr, is
in radians/sec)
A complicated signal will include many frequency components.
Each will propagate at a different speed under K-R. This will smear out
the shape of the signal as it moves down the line. Any periodic waveform
propagating down a K-R line with neural values of R and C comes to resemble
a sine wave. Any such waveform is also rapidly attenuated. I have not been
able to find or model any useful information processing with K-R, nor have
I been able to model the channel amplified action potentials described
Reasons to doubt K-R empirically have been discussed for decades, and have been accumulating(6)
. Perhaps because of difficulties with K-R, neurophysiology
is in a divided state. The part of neurophysiology and neural medicine
that can be connected to biochemistry and genetics is rapidly advancing,
and has many impressive achievements that accumulate year by year. On the
other hand, the part of neurophysiology and neural medicine that depends
on an understanding of neural electricity (the part that depends on K-R)
is primitive, with little progress to show for years of hard effort.
K-R has never fit data on brain scale neurons well. However,
K-R has been accepted because it has seemed to be based on a "mathematically
unquestionable"derivation(7). Biologists
have felt that they could not question a "mathematically exact and
unquestionable" derivation, even in the face of data that made that
derivation seem impossible. For this reason, a decisive issue in neurobiology
hinges on an issue of mathematics.
The K-R derivation is thought to rest on an "inescapable"
assumption about mathematical representation. This "inescapable"
assumption stands on tradition alone, has no provable basis from axioms,
and fails some consistency tests. Based on another assumption, which is
also unprovable but that is consistent (Appendix 2), a new transmission
equation with large effective inductance is derived. Let's call the equation
based on the new assumption the Showalter-Kline (S-K) equation after myself
and Professor Stephen J. Kline, of Stanford, who worked with me on the
derivation of this equation and its justification for many years before
his death.
Numerical parts of R, L, G, and C are denoted by subscripts.
The dimensions of the quantity are the dimensions (voltage, v; time, t;
charge, Q; and distance along the line, x) in a compatible unit system
The S-K equation is the standard electrical engineering
transmission equation, the Heaviside equation(8),
with the hatted values of resistance, inductance, membrane conductance,
and capacitance substituted for the usual ones. For the values of R, L,
G, and C that are common in engineering experience (that correspond to
wires), numerical predictions of S-K are indistinguishable from the predictions
of the Heaviside equation. For the very different values of R, L, G, and
C that apply to neurons, the effective inductance of S-K can be 1015
or more larger than the Heaviside equation predicts. For emphasis, the
effective inductance of S-K can be 10,000,000,000,000,000 : 1 or more larger
than K-R predicts. S-K fits much neural data well. Let's review what a
neuron is, and then review some interesting data that motivates the S-K
equation. We'll then trace through S-K's derivation, and show how that
derivation differs from the derivation of K-R. Then the very good fit between
neural data and S-K will be illustrated.
Figs. 1a, 1b, and 1c (the left, upper right, and lower
right pictures in the image below) show an important and characteristic
kind of neuron, the pyramidal cell(9). There
are billions of pyramidal cells in human brain. The lines shown are membrane
tubes filled with an ionic, conductive fluid. The neuron is surrounded
with another ionic fluid, with different ionic concentrations. The membrane
is filled with very many channels of many kinds. Channels are special proteins
that act as molecular scale valves. The channels open or close "pores"
across the membrane. These pores are permeable paths within the detailed
twists of the molecular structures of the channels. The pores change shape
as a function of voltage or the binding or unbinding of a messenger molecule
to some part of the channel protein structure, and open and close as they
do so. Many channel pores are selective for particular ions.
This Fig. 1a cell has one rather straight neural line
called an axon. The other lines are dendrites. The axon propagates "action
potentials," signals in the form of sharp voltage trajectories. The
voltage trajectories are driven by ionic changes caused by a rather complicated
pattern of opening and closing of membrane channels. The action potential
waveform has many frequency components, but travels at a set speed characteristic
of the axon in place. Under K-R there is no way to propagate the
coherent action potential waveforms observed, even with uniform channel
populations boosting the wave. Nor are channel distributions uniform. Zecevic(10)
showed heterogeneous and lumpy channel distributions in axons. Those axons
showed standard action potentials.
Fig. 1c
Fig. 1b
Figure 1a
The pyramidal neuron of Fig. 1a has many dendrites. Until
a few years ago, dendrites were thought to be passive conductors, governed
by the K-R conduction equation without action potentials or other active
channel amplification . According to calculations using K-R, attenuation
along the length of dendrites seemed so great that signals from the ends
of dendrites could have little or no effect on the rest of the neuron.
Now we know that this simple picture is wrong. Signals in dendrites can
propagate with low distortion and much lower attenuation than K-R predicts(11)
K-R also predicts that individual neurons are slower
than we know they are. From resistance measurements, K-R predicts
(1/e) time constants of 20-100 msec or more for retinal, olfactory, and
other cells(13) (14).
1 millisecond time constants are about the fastest the K-R model
will generate for any single cell. This is too slow. People discriminate
sounds less than .020 msec apart, and do so through neural pathways involving
many neurons. Bats discriminate sound waves less than .0005 millisecond
According to K-R, conduction speeds are so fast that neurons
may be thought of as a single capacitance. Whole neurons might be approximated
by leaky spheres, inefficient surge tanks for charge differentials. No
clear information processing pattern seems to correspond to this.
Some of the details of the neural structure, shown in
Figs 1b and 1c, make that simple interpretation especially surprising.
Fig 1a is an enlarged section of the main dendrite of sector II of Fig
1a, at a large enough scale so that the dendritic spines can be made out.
A neuron like the one shown will have thousands of spines. Most or all
of these spines mount synapses (chemically mediated connections) to other
neurons. The spines are diversely shaped.
Under K-R, no single synapse can fire the axon - a sort
of "voting" must occur. An enormous number of combinations of
connections would yield the same on-off vote. The system seems built to
smear out detail rather than record it or process it. No way to think of
anatomically correct neurons as the detailed logical processors we know
they must be has been proposed under K-R.
K-R cannot explain the COORDINATED action of many neurons
seen in brains. Large populations of neurons in the brain fire in synchrony.
The coordinated firing occurs over such long distances that the synchrony
observed cannot be due to conduction. Even so, coordinated firing of neurons
over (apparently impossibly large) distances seems to be associated with
logically coordinated function(16) (17)
(18) of the neurons involved. Oscillation
patterns shift as logic shifts. The epileptic diseases involve especially
intense, uncontrolled, rapidly varying synchronies. The diverse and rapidly
changing synchronies observed are beyond the capacity of conductive networks
that have been proposed(19) under ideal
theoretical circumstances. By the logic of K-R, information flows
only move through connected axons and dendrites. These connected lines
have a wide range of conduction speeds, and the lines trace more or less
convoluted paths. Different paths have different numbers of synapses with
different synaptic lags. Such a system seems designed to produce dispersion,
not the synchrony that is seen.
According to K-R the logical processing brains do seems
impossible. The coordinated waveforms brain show seem impossible. Under
K-R, neurons are grossly overdamped, phase distortion is prohibitively
large, and neurons simply do not resemble the highly evolved logic processing
devices that we know they must be. Under S-K, these same neurons seem exquisitely
adapted to logic processing via the combination of conduction and switched
resonance. Let's look at resonance-like responses in brain that the S-K
equations fit well.
Last December, a popular Japanese television cartoon broadcast
bright and repetitive T.V. screen flashes. According to The New York Times,
many hundreds of children and adults who saw the cartoon had epileptic
seizures that resulted in hospital visits throughout Japan. More than ten
thousand children, and many adults, seem to have been affected(20).
Tests since have shown that the flashing TV screen stimulus does produce
seizures and other ill effects in many people.
The flashing TV screen the cartoon employed was the same
stimulus used by electrophysiologist David Regan a decade ago. Reagan studied
brain responses to these flashes (and other repetitive stimuli) using very
sensitive zoom FFT electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetoencephalogram
(MEG) tests. EEG records voltage fluctuations of electrodes on scalp, face
and head. MEG records fluctuations in the head's magnetic field.
Fig 2(21) shows some of Regan's EEG measurements
using his zoom FFT technique. The behavior shown is typical
of that measured, magnetically or electrically, in response to many kinds
of repetitively presented stimuli (light, touch, sound, etc.) For Fig 2
the stimulus was a TV screen flashing at two superimposed frequencies F1
and F2.
Fig. 2
The data show sharp peaks at sums and differences of excitation
frequency. This kind of signature characterizes resonant systems, with
very low damping, that include many passive resonators. It is "as
if" the brain is resonating. Resonance would require inductance that
the K-R equation lacks, but is consistent with S-K.
Fig 2 shows results that Reagan repeated often, for several
kinds of stimuli, for both EEG and MEG. In all these tests, Regan was measuring
scalp electrodes in EEG, or whole brain magnetic fields in MEG. He was
measuring activity integrated over substantial volumes of brain. Large
volumes of brain, including at least millions of electrically coordinated
cells, had to be "resonating."
In tests similar to those of Fig. 2, Regan measured peak
bandwidths narrower than .0019 Hz. Bandwidths of the peaks
measured in Fig 2 may have been as sharp as this. These are astonishingly
sharp peaks, orders of magnitude too sharp to be accounted for by membrane
channel activity. The peaks are so sharp that elements "resonating"
together must have been coupled with very small lags. The coupling Reagan
measured is much sharper than any possible if there were significant conduction
time lags between reacting elements. This rules out coupling of elements
by conduction along neural lines. According to K-R, conduction is the only
source of coupling between neurons.
Reagan's results have recently been seen again, under
less controlled circumstances. We now know that such repetitive stimuli,
delivered at higher intensity than Reagan used for a few seconds, can evoke
epileptic seizures in populations of children and adults.
Regan's data shows electrical coordination over volumes
of brain with special clarity. Even so, electrical coordination of large
volumes of brain may be THE central result of brain electrophysiology,
and has been known for a century.
Epilepsy resembles electrical instability of the brain
in resonance. That is medically interesting. Another reason to be interested
in brain resonance is information processing. If one follows analogies
between human engineering and brain, resonance may also be connected with
how the brain processes information. Resonance is logically interesting.
Enormous resonant magnifications of tightly selected signals are possible.
In this sense, resonant systems can function as highly selective amplifiers.
This fact is a foundation of communication technology. Radio and television
offer familiar examples of resonant selectivity. Radio and television receivers
exist in an electromagnetic field consisting of a bewildering and undescribable
variety of electromagnetic fluctuations. Reception occurs because the resonant
receiver is selective for a specific frequency at a high degree of phase
coherence. Signals off frequency are not significantly detected, and "signals"
of random phase that are on frequency cancel rather than magnify in resonance.
Radar receivers also operate on the principle of resonance. Other examples
are our telephone system and cable television system, each organized so
that a multiplicity of different signals can be carried in physically mixed
form over the same conduits. These "mixed" signals can be separated
and detected with negligible crosstalk by resonant means. Based on S-K
and anatomy I've speculated that high sensitivity passive resonant brain
elements might work as compact passive memory elements, consuming no energy
until excited. Membrane channel means to switch resonant sensitivity on
and off would provide much logical capacity. Reagan's measurements did
not measure any such information processing in brain, but perhaps he did
measure resonant responses consistent with such an information processing
arrangement of brain.
Many neurophysiologists have thought about these matters
for years. Few seem to doubt that inductance would explain a great deal
"if only the inductance was there.(22)"
Nonetheless, the K-R equation is justified by "unquestionable mathematics."
(The derivation was carefully done, under the aegis of the N.I.H., in response
to questions about brain inductance. No plausible source of brain inductance
was then found.) K-R was also derived in careful analogy with electrical
engineering experience. According to K-R, neural line inductance is just
the same electromagnetic inductance any conducting line would have. In
comparison to the huge values of resistance and capacitance that neural
lines have, this inductance is negligible, so K-R is written without inductance.
Matching anatomy, one can choose inductances that would
produce the behavior Reagan measured by resonant action. The inductances
needed are immense - more than 1016 times electromagnetic inductance.
The S-K equations have these large effective inductances at neural scales
with neural values of R, L, G, and C, and also have other characteristics
needed to account for much neurophysiological data, including Regan's.
S-K fits the other data Kline and I have looked at, as well. S-K is consistent
with the electrical engineering data that we've checked, and is the same
as the standard Heaviside equation for usual wire values of R, L, G and
Both the K-R equation and the S-K
equation derive from the same basic physical model. The derivation of equations
from the model differs in two ways:
S-K derivation writes down crossterms that are not usually written, that
the K-R derivation
does not treat.
S-K derivation interprets these crossterms using a new assumption that
defines them
consistently at finite scale, before taking the limit of these crossterms.
As a result of these differences,
S-K includes some physical crosseffect terms that K-R lacks, including
an effective inductance term the right size to account for neurophysiological
The conductance equations that apply to a line conductor,
such as a wire, are the Heaviside equations, standard in electrical engineering:
is voltage, i is current, x is distance along the line, and R, L, G, C
are resistance, inductance,
membrane conductance, and capacitance respectively, all per unit length.
The Heaviside equation is derived by cross substituting
dv/dx and di/dx equations (4) that represent the physical definitions of
R, L, G, and C. In Kelvin-Rall, the same cross substitution is done.
It is then noticed that in the neural regime, the Heaviside equation (2) so formed has an electromagnetic inductance that is minuscule compared to R, C, and the changeably valued G. So the terms in L are deleted, and the K-R equation remains:
The K-R equations lack the LC term passive electrical
resonance requires. Conduction velocity under K-R goes as the square root
of waveform Fourier frequency component. This means that K-R shows large
phase distortion - complex waveforms rapidly change shape, spread out,
and lose information as they conduct down a line under K-R.
If equations (4) are exact, then K-R follows. So Kline
and I looked again at how these equations were derived from a physical
model. We set up equations that corresponded to our physical model at finite
scale, including crosseffect terms, that plainly existed at finite scale,
but that were not defined in a way that was consistent with the requirements
of physical representation. When we defined these crossterms so that they
were consistent with physical representation (Appendix 2), the crossterms
were finite, and the S-K equation followed.
In a physical model of conduction along a line over an
interval, the conduction and voltage equation, set out in terms of the
physical laws represented by R, L, G, and C, are each implicitly defined
by the other. (Appendix 1) Centering our interval at x, so that our interval
goes from x-(delta x)/2 to x+(delta x)/2, we have the following
voltage equation (5):
The current change equation (6) is exactly symmetric:
Equation (5) includes i(x+(delta x)/2,t) and its
time derivative. i(x+(delta x)/2,t) is defined by equation (6).
Equation (6) includes v(x+(delta x)/2,t) and its
time derivative. v(x+(delta x)/2,t) is defined by equation (5).
Equations 5 and 6 each
contain the other. Each requires the other
for full specification.
If the cross-substitutions implicit in these equations
are explicitly made, each of the resulting equations will contain the other
in turn. Expression of current, voltage, and their time derivatives at
x, the midpoint of the interval, truncates the series at the stage desired.
7 is a voltage difference equation representing three
stages of this substitution. (For more details, see Appendix
1.) The analogous current difference equation would result
from swapping of parameters and variables as follows: v-i, R-G, L-C. The
length increments (delta x) within the curly brackets of 7 are set
out at subscript level to make the eye hesitate. The question "do
the numerical values of these increments multiply?" will be raised
below. For a consistent physical representation, they cannot, unless
they do so at a numerical value of 1.0 .
Deleting crossproducts that happen to be are too small
to consider for neural values of R, L, G, and C, for the numerical value
of delta x <= 1 in the curly brackets,
7 reduces to:
the corresponding current equation is:
Suppose we make the following Key
Procedural Assumption:
When we derive a finite increment equation from a coupled finite increment physical model, that equation will include terms that represent crosseffects including several physical law operators and several increments in interaction together.
We have no axiomatic basis for deciding what the proper scale or unit system for algebraic simplification of these terms should be.
We know that choice of simplification scale and unit system matters numerically. Therefore, consistency requires us to specify the scale-unit system conditions for valid algebraic simplification.
Self-consistent results are obtained if we insist that algebraic simplification be done at a physical scale (of length, area, volume, etc) with a numerical value of 1.0 in the unit system in which algebraic simplification is done. This physical scale can be as large or small as we choose, since we can also choose any consistent unit system for expressing our measurements. After algebraic simplification (at a numerical scale of unity) the expressions in curly brackets correspond to dimensional constants, analagous to R, L, G, C, etc, and we can convert our calculation to whatever consistent unit system we choose.
For example, the expressions within the curly brackets of equations (7), (8) and (9) are physical interpretations of natural laws that happen to have been "effectively measured" at scale delta x. To compute a natural law coefficient that corresponds to the expression in the curly brackets, and that is valid at any scale, including differential scale, we convert to a consistent measurement unit system where length, delta x, is 1 length unit. (Or we evaluate a "delta x" of 1 length unit in the measurement unit system we are using.)
With our unit system (or measurement) chosen so that the numerical value of delta x=1, we algebraically simplify the expressions in the curly brackets That done, we convert back to the unit system of our overall calculation, if we have departed from it. We have an equation that is arithmetically isomorphic to ordinary algebra, that will not generate false infinitesimals or infinities. The equation we had before (7,8, or 9) was not arithmetically isomorphic to ordinary algebra, and our false infinities and infinitesimals trace from that.
For interpretation of equations like (7), (8), and (9) at differential scale, the key procedural assumption assumes a convenient form:
When we derive a differential equation
(defined at a point) from a coupled finite increment physical model, we
must put ALL the variables and increments in our model equation into POINT
FORM prior to algebraic simplification. (Point form is the intensive
form of the variables, defined for spatial units as well as R, L, G, C
and like entities.) The point forms of spatial quantities and
time (in cm and second units) are:
Differential equations so derived, and integrated to a finite scale, correspond
to equations evaluated at that finite scale by the rule above. Again, false
infinitesimals and false infinities are avoided.
The key procedural assumption set out in finite increment
and differential forms above is discussed and justified in much more detail
in Appendix 2. If we proceed
according to either the finite or point form of this KEY PROCEDURAL ASSUMPTION
(8 and 9) correspond to the following differential equations:
In the more compact hatted notation, these equations can
be written
The S-K equation is isomorphic to the standard electrical
engineering transmission equation (3), and follows if (12 ) and (13 ) are
crossubstituted according to the usual Heaviside derivation.
For wires and other familiar engineering conductors, the
K-R and S-K equations are identical within the limitations of measurement.
But under neural conditions S-K and K-R are very different. Effective
inductance in S-K is more than 1012 times inductance in K-R.
S-K fits much data, and predicts two modes of behavior. When
G is high (some channels are open) behavior similar to that of the current
model is predicted. When G is low, transmission has very low dissipation,
and the system is adapted to inductive coupling effects including resonance.
Switching between these two modes is sharp. Considering resonance,
we'll look at the case where G is negligible. In this case, to be expected
when membrane channels are closed, S-K reduces to:
Equations (14) are familiar textbook equations used in
the study of the resonance of electrically conductive lines.
A Question of mathematical modeling:
The S-K equation is dimensionally
consistent, and seems to fit data. Many equations used in the
sciences have no more foundation than that. Even so,
the derivation of K-R was carefully and publicly done, according to standard
conventions. K-R has been accepted for decades in the neurosciences
To question K-R, one must question how implicit crosseffect
terms, that must be finite at finite scale, are to be calculated. The S-K
derivation sets out these crosseffect terms explicitly, and calculates
them according to a new assumption that interprets their symbols differently
prior to an algebraic simplification. (The word "assumption"
may seem insufficiently rigorous, but is the most rigorous possible under
the circumstances. Measurement procedures are beyond the axioms of pure
mathematics. We must assume whatever procedures we adopt, justifying
the procedures assumed on the basis of self-consistency and consistency
with evidence. If we claim or ask for "rigorous proof"
here, that is simply a mistake.)
Neither the implicit calculation assumption of the K-R
derivation nor the explicit calculation assumption of the S-K derivation
can be proved from established axioms of abstract mathematics. The assumption
used in K-R is the usual one, and the assumption used in S-K is new. Even
so, the assumption used in the S-K derivation survives consistency tests
that the K-R assumption does not survive. The derivation of S-K is set
out in more detail in Appendix 1, and the key
assumption behind it is discussed in more detail in Appendix
The very numerous spiny cells in brain should behave in
a manner that generates the kind of behavior that Regan measured if S-K
is assumed. If K-R is assumed, brain resonance cannot occur.
Details of resonance that are important to connecting
S-K to anatomy are set out in Appendix 3. Some
calculations based on these details are set out below.
Assuming S-K, predicted behavior of brain corresponds
to what Regan measured. This is true, so long as the Q's calculated under
S-K are higher than the minimum Q's consistent with Regan's data. Regan's
setup could have detected no tighter bandwidths (no higher Q's) than he
did detect. If the brain Regan measured included resonators with Q's that
corresponded to the bandwidths of his measurements, or Q's one thousand
times higher, the difference could not be distinguished. Calculated Q's
under S-K are amply high enough to account for Regan's data.
We consider Regan's frequencies of 7-46 Hz. Let's say
peak bandwidth is no greater than the .0019 Hz Regan measured in another
run. We calculate resonant magnification factors, Q's, of at least
3680 to 24,200 for the ensembles that represent frequency peaks. These
are very high calculated ensemble Q's. Individual resonator Q's
cannot be less, but could be higher still. Regan's measurements give upper
bounds on bandwidths, lower bounds on Q's.
There are more than 1010 neurons in brain,
and roughly 1013 dendritic spines, many shaped like Fig 3.
In LRC mode, the "spine" of Fig. 3 has a Q that
depends on its resonant frequency, shaft inductance, and shaft resistance.
Let's chose "big" and "small" shaft
diameters of 1 µ, and .1 µ, interspine medium
conductance of 1.1 ohm-meter, and membrane capacitance of .01 farad/m2.
(In real anatomy, the interaction of membranes makes this capacitance much
too high.). We calculate very high Q's, more than two and more than three
decades above the constraint inferred from Regan's data.
These Q's are higher than could occur, because the capacitance-reducing
effect of glial and neural membranes is neglected. For
the well organized glial membrane-fluid cleft-neural membrane arrangements
that surround axons and large dendrites, capacitances (and Q's) would be
reduced about 100-fold(23)
. That would take the Q for the 1 micron shaft close to
the constraint to Regan's data, and would about correspond to the Q of
the resonance curve shown in Figs. 4 and 5 below.
Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate calculated equilibrium resonant
magnification factors, after long times, versus frequency for a spine.
According to S-K, different spines would have higher Q's (tighter bandwidths)
or lower Q's (broader bandwidths.) Curve shapes would remain similar. Fig.
5 shows the log of magnification. Magnifications of more than 100 occur
over a much broader frequency range than frequency curve bandwidth. The
spine resonance is not all-or-nothing, but the curve is nonetheless sharp.
If a spine has a fixed geometry, it will "remember"
a particular frequency, passively, and with great sensitivity. If means
exist to change spine geometry, that spine might be said to "learn"
from "experience". An interesting consequence of membrane geometry-
capacitance sensitivity is that small changes in membrane geometry could
rapidly change spine resonant frequency. Change might happen in an adaptive
The spine models so far have assumed that all channels
in the spine are closed. Channel opening would abruptly cut spine Q's from
tens of thousands to Q's of approximately 1. This is switching that may
play a logical role.
Other logically interesting aspects of S-K and neuroanatomy
also exist. See Appendix 4.
Modeling using the S-K equation is consistent with Regan's
data. According to S-K, resonant behavior similar to that Reagan observed
follows. The brain has about 1013 spines. If spine resonant
frequencies are widely distributed, and some reasonable fraction of the
dendritic spines are in the high Q state, one would expect fixed
frequency stimuli, such as Regan supplied, to yield the sort of excitation
curves that Regan observed. Coupling of the spines would be via the very
rapid conduction of the extracellular medium, not via conduction along
dendrites or axons. Excessive stimulation could generate the eplileptiform
seizures that occurred in Japan.
The S-K conduction equation theory fits Regan's data and
other neuroscience data well. The predictions of S-K theory, including
those related to information processing and memory, have seemed plausible
to experts, and are discussed in Appendix 4.
The medically and neuroscientifically important distinction
between the K-R and S-K equations hinges on the proper derivation of a
differential equation from a physical model. See Appendix
Dedication: Professor Stephen J.
Kline, of Stanford University, author of SIMILITUDE AND APPROXIMATION THEORY(24)
and one of the great mathematical and experimental fluid mechanicians of
this century, was my partner in the work leading up to this paper. We worked
together on this for almost ten years, up to his death in November of 1997.
Steve's contributions were many and indispensable. Steve thought hard about
the problems of physical representation, and was completely clear about
the need to find and fix an error at the interface between the representation
of coupled physical models at the level of a sketch, and representation
by a differential equation.
Appendix 1: Derivation of crossterms
that represent combinations of physical laws for a line conductor of finite
Appendix 2: Evaluation of crossterms
that represent combinations of physical laws according to consistency arguments.
Appendix 3: Some
background on resonance
Appendix 4: Web access to some detailed brain modeling, correspondence with NATURE, and some extensive discussion of the work in George Johnson's New York Times web forums.
1. Sheryl WuDunn "TV Cartoon's Flashes send 700 Japanese into Seizures" The New York Times, December 18, 1997.
2. Sheryl WuDunn "Japan TV to Act Against Seizure-Causing Cartoon Flashes" The New York Times, December 20, 1997.
3. Regan, David HUMAN BRAIN ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY: Evoked Potentials and Evoked Magnetic Fields in Science and Medicine Elsevior, 1989.
4. Lieberstein, H.M. Mathematical Biosciences, 1 pp 45-69 (1967)
5. Scott, A.C. Mathematical Biosciences 11, 277-290, (1971).
7. Rall, W. "Core conductor theory and cable properties of neurons" HANDBOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY - THE NERVOUS SYSTEM V.1 Ch. 3 Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, Md. (1977).
8. Stephenson, D.T. "Transmission Lines" McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7th ed (1992).
9. Tseng, G.F. and Haberley, L.B. "Deep neurons in piriform cortex. I. Morphology and synaptically evoked responses including a unique high amplitude paired shock facilitation." J. Neurophysiology. 62: p369-385 (1989).
10. Zecevic, D NATURE 381 322-325 (1996).
11. Svoboda, K., Denk W., Klienfeld, D. & Tank, D.W NATURE 385 161-165 (1997).
12. Haag J. & Borst A. NATURE 349 639-641 (1996).
13. Woolf T.B., Shepherd, G.M., & Greer, C.A. J. of Neuroscience, June (1991).
14. Coleman, P.A. & Miller, R.F. J.of Neurophysiology 61, 218-230 (1989).
15. Moss, C.F. & Simmons, J.A. in NEUROETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF COGNITIVE AND PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES Westview Press, New York, 253 (1996).
16. Gray, C.M., Konig, P, Engel, A.K., & Singer, W. NATURE 338, 334-337 (1989).
17. Whittington M.A., Traub, R.D., & Jefferys, J.G.R.
NATURE 373 612-614 (1995).
18. Schechter, B. SCIENCE 274 339-340 (1996).
19. Traub, R.D., Whittington, M.A., Stanford, I.M., & Jefferys, J.G.
NATURE 383 621-624 (1996).
21. Regan, David op. cit. , Fig 1.70A , p 106.
23. See Appendix 4: " The Glial membrane-fluid cleft-neural membrane arrangement cuts effective neural capacitance, greatly increasing signal conduction velocity and greatly reducing the energy requirement per action potential. by M.R. Showalter at
THEORY McGraw-Hill, 1967; Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Appendix 1: Derivation of a finite increment equation
from a coupled physical model, showing combined effect terms.
Most mathematical models of physical circumstances start
by matching one or more differential equations from a handbook with a physical
case. Thereafter, analysis is carried out according to the rules of abstract
mathematics. In this usual procedure, the differential equation is not
derived from a physical model, but is applied to that model and taken as
an operationally perfect or good enough match.
However, the differential equations themselves are sometimes
inferred directly from physical models in a step by step way from a sketch-model.
This process is called "derivation," and is taught in engineering
To derive a differential equation
from a physical model:
construct a finite scale model that sets out the laws and geometry to be
we derive (one or more) finite increment equation(s) that map that
finite model.
After a finite increment equation
that represents our model has been defined, we may pass that finite equation
to the infinitesimal limit to yield a differential equation.
Equation definition can take special
attention if our finite model includes coupled effects. In such a
case, two equations are implicitly defined in terms of each other.
One of the simplest and most important examples is current
change and voltage change along a length of conductive line (such as a
wire or a length of neural tube.) Current drops i are coupled
to voltage and voltage drops according to logic like the following:
i over the interval is a function of v at x and x+delta x
which is a function of i at x and x+delta x
which is
a function of v at x and x+delta x
is a function of i at x and x+delta x
so on
Voltage drops are coupled to current and current drops
in the same nested way.
We have to be able to represent
the coupled effects that occur correctly at finite scales, before we can
take the limit of those terms, at successively smaller finite scales, to
the infinitesimal limit. (Current
procedure does not ask for meaningful finite coupled effect terms, and
applies "limiting logic" to these undefined terms, which
are invariably dismissed as 0's or labelled as infinities.)
Fig. 1 above shows a conducting line that
could be neural conductor.
v = voltage i
= current
x = position along the line alpha=
arbitrary length interval
R = resistance/length
L=electromagnetic inductance/length
G= membrane leakage conductance/length
Fig. 1 above shows an arbitrarily chosen length
alpha, of arbitrary magnitude, which we will call delta x.
R, L, G, and C are natural law operators
(Appendix 2.) They represent physical
laws, and are defined as the ratio of one measurable to another under particular
measurement circumstances. The natural law operators, which implicitly
represent much measurement detail, are our interface between the detailed
measurement procedures of physical reality and abstract equation representations
of physical circumstances. The arithmetical
properties of the natural law operators are justified by inductive generalization,
not axiomatic proof. We have no provable
reason to think R, L, G, and C have exactly the arithmetical properties
and restrictions of numbers. In the derivation
below, we'll operate on terms including the symbols R, L, G, and C in the
usual algebraic way, stopping short of algebraically simplifying the terms.
We'll not interpret these terms numerically or physically here in appendix
1, leaving that for appendix 2.
To derive line differential equations in dv/dx and di/dx,
we first need finite difference equations, (delta v)/(delta x)
and (delta i)/(delta x). For the finite equations,
we'll be writing out terms that have usually been understood to exist,
but that have been called infinitesimal and neglected. Let's
consider the coupled effects physically.
Voltage drop over delta x depends on current.
Current over length delta x varies if charge carriers are stored
or discharged in capacitance over the interval delta x. The capacitive
effect will depend on dv/dt. Current over delta x will also be lost
from membrane leakage over delta x. That loss will depend on v.
Voltage drop depends not only on current, through R, and L, but also depends
on interactions between voltage and G and between dv/dt and C.
In an exactly symmetric way
Current drop over delta x depends on voltage.
Voltage over length delta x varies with inductive reactance,
L di/dt. Voltage over delta x will also be lost from interaction
between resistance and current, Ri. Current drop depends not
only on voltage, through G and C, but also depends on interactions between
current and R, and between di/dt and L.
The idea that di/dt depends ONLY on G and C neglects effects that act over delta x. The idea that dv/dt depends ONLY on R and L neglects crosseffects over delta x. (If the effects are finite over finite lengths, they MUST be represented in the differential equations that are integrated to represent these finite lengths.) Appendix 2.
Let's derive voltage and current equations that include
crosseffects. We'll write our voltage and current functions as v(x,t)
and i(x,t). We assume homogeneity and symmetry for our conductor.
We assume that, for the small lengths of interest, the average voltage
(average current) across the interval delta x is the average
value of voltage (current) at the endpoints of the interval delta x.
Writing down voltage change as a function of the natural
law operators and variables that directly affect voltage, and centering
our interval at x, so that our interval goes from x-(delta x)/2
to x+(delta x)/2, we have:
The current change equation is isomorphic:
Note that :
Equation (1) includes i(x+(delta x)/2,t) and its time derivative.
i(x+(delta x)/2,t) is defined by equation (2).
Equation (2) includes v(x+(delta x)/2,t) and
its time derivative.
v(x+(delta x)/2,t) is defined by equation
Each of these equations requires
the other for full specification: each contains the other.
If the cross-substitutions implicit in these equations
are explicitly made, each of the resulting equations will also contain
the other. So will the next generation of substituted equations, and the
next, and so on. This is an endless regress. Each substitution introduces
new functions with the argument (x+(delta x)/2), and so there
is a continuing need for more substitutions. To achieve closure,
one needs a truncating approximation.
Expression of current, voltage, and their time derivatives at x, the midpoint
of the interval, truncates the series.
A key point of this paper is that we have not been sure of how the arithmetic (and the dimensional or scale limitations) of these symbols have worked. If we ask
"If N effects represented by distributed parameters interact on or in ONE piece of space, should the numerical value of that piece of space multiply into the expression representing the interaction ONCE or N times?"
the conventional answer is "N times." But we are not actually sure of this, and the answer that consistency requires is "once." (See Appendix 2.) Let's proceed with these substitutions, associating symbols without interpreting them numerically or physically.
For example
which expands algebraically to
These terms would be simpler if voltage averages and derivative
averages were taken at the interval midpoint, x, as follows:
How may terms like those of (6) be interpreted, physically
and numerically, at finite scale? In these expressions, two
natural law operators are EACH associated with the SAME interval of length.
Do the lengths multiply? On what authority do we say that the
lengths multiply? Are there restrictions on the scale at which the
multiplication can be done? If the lengths do multiply, what
does this represent physically? Does the multiplication make
numerical sense, and is that multiplication consistent with tests the expression
must pass? It turns out that if we apply
standard arithmetical rules to these crossterms, we are led to mathematical
and physical inconsistencies. (Appendix 2)
We have no axiomatic reason to be surprised by this.
The equation below shows voltage change over an interval
of length delta x, divided by the length delta x
to produce a gradient form analogous to a derivative. Terms
derived from three stages of cross substitution are shown. Symbols
are grouped together and algebraically simplified up to the point where
the meaning of further algebraic simplification of relations in the dimensional
parameters R, L, G, C, and delta x
becomes unclear. Expresssions in curly brackets are NOT YET
The current gradient equation over the same interval is
isomorphic to 7 with swapping of v for i, R
for G, and L for C.
Whenever coupled physical effects
act over an interval of space, combined effect terms are to be expected.
Rules for their interpretation must be found. Those
rules are beyond the authority of the axioms of pure mathematics, but consistent
rules for interpreting these expressions can be inferred from mathematical
experiments. (Appendix 2)
Combined effect terms such as those shown here are seldom derived, because they are thought to always vanish in the limit. That assumption embodies an assumption about scale or numerical limits on the arithmetic involved.
However, expressions such as those in the curly brackets
of (7), interpreted in a consistent way, are finite, and yield finite terms
in differential equations. Often such combined effect terms are negligible,
but sometimes they are important.
Procedures for representing physical models in equation
form cannot be determined from our axioms because our axioms are limited
to abstract domains. But representation procedures can be examined by means
of experimental mathematics. Valid representation procedures must be consistent
with computational consistency tests. Current techniques for calculating
the interaction of several natural laws over a spatial increment fail tests
that valid representation requires, and are ruled out. A consistent technique
is proposed. According to the proposed technique, terms in some equations
that have been thought to be infinitesimal are finite. Implications in
neural medicine and other fields that deal with the brain appear to be
large (see appendix 4).
Some seem to feel that mathematics is axiomatic construction
and nothing else, but that sometimes, nevertheless, that axiomatic construction
can be mapped to some useful work. The jump from the abstract to the concrete
is held to occur by some discontinuous and unexplained process. A smoother,
better explained transition between the abstract and concrete seems desirable.
Mathematics already interfaces with experimental usages, and has long been
pushed toward experimental approaches by the computer(1).
G.C. Chaitin has shown that many things in pure math are
"true for no (axiomatically provable) reason at all(2)."
Chaitin suggests that where existing axioms don't apply, new organizing
assumptions may be considered, and may be useful. K. Godel advocated experimental
approaches in mathematics on similar grounds(3).
Even the interior of mathematics has experimental aspects. Some degree
of experimental math seems justified and useful even in number theory.
The interface between abstract mathematics and the representation
of physical circumstances can be investigated experimentally, as well.
There may be many reasons to investigate this interface
between abstraction and concrete representation. My main one is concern
about the correct form of the neural transmission equation. Medically important
differences in neural line inductance, that can be 1018:1 or
larger, hinge on a question that is beyond the jurisdiction of the axioms
of pure mathematics. That question can be clarified, and perhaps entirely
resolved, with experimental mathematics.
Conclusions based on mathematical experiments always lack
the certainty of an axiomatic basis. Even so, some much-tested conclusions
may be useful, and using them as new assumptions can permit useful logical
work that would not be possible otherwise. Experiment-based inferences
(assumptions) are now widely used in cryptography and other computer-based
Results of mathematical experiments cannot prove with
axiomatic certainty, but can disprove. When mathematical experiments show
counterexamples to an assumption, that assumption has been ruled out.
Even within pure math, where axioms reign, there are good
reasons to use experimental approaches to test and organize ideas that
we may wish to use, where our axioms cannot be brought to bear. This supplements
axiomatic usages without violating them.
In mathematical representation of PHYSICAL circumstances,
set out in terms of experimentally derived physical laws, we are using
mathematical techniques beyond where the axioms of pure math apply. If
we are to proceed at all, we must use experimental mathematics.
Here is the logic that experimental work has:
In experimental work, candidate assumptions are somehow recognized or guessed.
(No testing
can happen before we focus on something to test.)
Candidate assumptions are tested against evidence. So long as an assumption
survives all
tests, it is used (with some wariness) as a provisional assumption.
Assumptions that evidence contradicts are rejected, or the assumptions
are modified
so that they
do fit evidence.
If we use these experimental approaches
we may sometimes usefully organize, extend, and focus our knowledge beyond
the realm of our axioms. If we do not use these
approaches, we cannot go beyond our axioms at all.
When we mathematically represent a physical circumstance,
we are beyond our axioms. Let's call that representation process "p-m
representation" for "representation from physical model to mathematical
(We'll assume that a workable p-m representation can be
reversed in a m-p representation so that we can start with a physical model,
convert it into a statement in abstract mathematics, operate on the abstract
mathematical statement, and then relate that statement in abstract mathematics
back to the physical model without misinterpreting or losing information
of interest to us.)
We have NO axioms for p-m representation
or m-p representation. We must determine the representation procedures
of valid p-m representation and m-p representation on EXPERIMENTAL grounds.
Here is the p-m representation problem in more detail.
When we derive an equation representing a physical model, reasoning from
a sketch and other physical information, we write down symbols and terms
representing physical effects. We may write down several stages of symbolic
representation before we settle on our "finished" abstract equation.
As we write our symbols, we implicitly face the following question:
WHEN can we logically forget that the symbols we write represent a physical
model? WHEN can we treat the
equation we've derived from a physical model as a context-free abstract
entity, subject only to
the exact rules of pure mathematics?
We can never do so on the basis
of rigorous, certain, clearly applicable axioms. There are no such axioms.
We cannot avoid making an implicit assumption that says
equation can be treated as a valid abstract equation, without further concern
about its
context or origin, because it seems right
to do so, or because it is traditional to do so.
We have made the jump from concrete representation
to valid abstraction HERE."
This assumption may happen to be
right in the case at hand. But the assumption about p-m representation
is not provably true from the axioms and procedures of pure mathematics.
People go ahead and make these sorts of assumptions
as they work. They cannot avoid doing so. Right or wrong, they are making
"experimentally based" assumptions in their representation-derivations.
People have made these implicit assumptions without recognizing the essentially
experimental nature of their proceedings. It is better that this experimental
nature be recognized, so that consistency checks can be applied to the
unprovable steps. Any inconsistencies involved with these implicit steps
may then be identified.
For any particular case of p-m representation, decisions
are being made in a context of EXPERIMENTAL MATH at the interface between
abstract math and physical circumstances. If a counterexample or inconsistency
pertaining to a p-m representation usage is found, that is an extra-axiomatic
circumstance. The extra-axiomatic usages that are failing as p-m representative
tools should be modified so that they pass the consistency tests right
p-m representation takes. Such modifications may disturb habits, but they
need not, and commonly cannot, disturb the axioms of pure mathematics.
The Kelvin-Rall neural transmission equation derivation
is based on an implicit, unprovable assumption about p-m representation:.
ASSUMPTION: Abstract mathematical usages
and p-m representative usages are the SAME. When we are representing
a physical circumstance with mathematical symbols, those symbols
are NUMBERS, and nothing more, the instant they are written down.
All our rules of abstract mathematics apply immediately to our symbolic
all of the crossterms in equations 7, 8,
and 9 are ill defined. Here is equation 7, derived in detail in Appendix
1. At a finite scale delta x each of these crossterms
(terms below the first line) must correspond to finite physical effects.
We have NO axiomatic guidance for computing these compound expressions.
We are referring to products of p-m representation procedures,
not to axiom-based entities. We must judge the procedures
we use to compute these compound expressions by experimental standards.
Do these representations map the territories we expect when we check them?
We may if necessary modify those procedures for consistency
without violation of any axiom.
We must know what these representations mean numerically.
If our computation is valid, the magnitude of a term at a set value of
delta x and a set value of independent variable must be unique.
After all, our limiting argument is an argument that deals with a decreasing
sequence of finite terms. Before we can
validly take the limit of equation 7, set
out in the main paper, and derived in more detail in Appendix
1), and derive a differential equation from it, we must know the magnitude
of the crossterms for any
finite delta x we choose. If
we proceed according to the USUAL P-M REPRESENTATION ASSUMPTION, we find
that our crossterms are not well defined. Equation
7b is the finite increment form of equation 7, which is in (delta v)/(delta
x) form.
The indeterminacy of these crossterms according to the
USUAL P-M REPRESENTATION ASSUMPTION can be shown in the following ways.
The difficulties set out below also apply to other crossterms
that represent the combination of physical laws over an increment of length,
area, volume, or time.
Numerical indeterminacy under "permitted" algebraic
We have been taught to assume that the crosseffect-containing
terms such as the curly bracketed terms in (7) consist of symbols that
are "just numbers." We should be able to algebraically simplify
each of these crossterms in many different sequences that involve dimensional
unit changes, so long as the end of each of the sequences is in the same
dimensional units. The numerical values of all such paths should be the
same. They are not. See Fig. 1 below. An algebraically
unsimplified dimensional group that includes products or ratios of dimensional
numbers, such as one of those in curly brackets in (7), is set out
in cm length units at A. This quantity is algebraically simplified
directly in cm units to produce "expression 1." The same
physical quantity is may be translated from A into a "per meter"
basis at C. The translated quantity at C can then be algebraically
simplified to D. The expression at D, expressed in meter
length units, is converted to a "per cm" basis to produce "expression
2." Expression 1 and Expression 2 must be the same, but they
are not. The calculation is not consistent with itself.
By repeating different "valid" computational loops in this way,
any of the crossterms in curly brackets in (7) or (7b) can be changed
to any value at all, large or small. This is not the valid
arithmetical behavior that we conventionally and thoughtlessly expect!
The loop test of Fig. 1 above shows that these crossterms
are meaningless as usually calculated, and the reason is as follows:
algebraic simplification, going from one unit system to another adjusts
not just the numerical
value of dimensional properties in the different unit systems, but numerical
values corresponding
to the spatial variable, as well.
algebraic simplification, adjusting it to a new unit system corresponds
to adjusting
numerical values
that correspond to the unit change for the dimensional properties only,
with no
corresponding adjustment for the absorbed spatial variable.
The result is an irreversible, numerically absurd, but
now standard mathematical operation.
Contradiction between differential equations and the models
they came from.
Suppose we assume that the symbols in the crossterms are
all "just numbers." When we take the limit as delta x
goes to zero on that assumption, these crossterms are all infinitesimal.
So the differential equation we derive on this basis lacks
these crossterms.
We take our differential equation, and integrate it back
up to a specific scale delta x. We get an equation
that lacks the crossterms that we know existed at scale delta x
in the first place. The values
at the same point, derived by two "correct calculations" are
inconsistent, and can be very different.
Crossterms also fail a standard test map-representations
should pass - the test that the whole should equal the sum of its parts:
In physical representations, wholes should equal the sums
of which they consist. Consider any of the terms below the
first line of 7 or 7b. Suppose any term, evaluated at interval delta x,
is instead set out as the sum of a number of intervals adding up to interval
delta x. If delta x is divided into n pieces, and
those n subintervals are computed and summed, that sum will be is only
1/nth (or 1/n2) the value for the same expression computed over
interval delta x, taken in one step. We can make the value
of the term on the interval delta x vary widely, depending
on how many subintervals we choose to divide delta x into.
This cannot represent PHYSICAL behavior. These terms are supposed
to represent physical behavior.
is that the symbols we write down are "just numbers" the instant
we write them down. In the case of these crossterms that represent multiple
physical effects over the same spatial increment, the usual assumption
fails. So we need to look more closely at the details of what we are representing,
the symbols we use to do that representing, and the procedures that apply
to those symbols. We need representative
procedures, that interface with our physical model on the one side, and
interface with abstract mathematical usages on the other side, that avoid
the representative contradictions shown above.
When we look at how physical models are represented by mathematics, we have NO axioms to rely on, and we have NO valid intuition to guide us. We must rely on the ordinary patterns of experimental investigation.
According to E-3 below, we are seeking a modification
of current p-m representation procedure that maps these crossterms validly
into axiomatic, abstract mathematics without changing other p-m representation
procedures, now currently established, that we have no reason to doubt.
We are violating no valid axiomatic
principles when we use experimental approaches to find a p-m representation
that passes all operational tests needed to validly map to abstract equations.
If a valid p-m representation procedure is found, that
empowers axiomatic mathematics, and in no way diminishes it.
If we use the patterns of experimental logic and investigation
with the same care that other people have applied to many other technical
problems, operationally valid experimental rules for representation can
be found, tested, and verified.
Here again
are the experimental patterns:
E1. In experimental work, candidate assumptions are somehow recognized or guessed. (No testing can happen before we focus on something to test.)
E2. Candidate assumptions are tested against evidence. So long as an assumption survives all tests, it is used (with some wariness) as a provisional assumption.
E3. Assumptions that evidence contradicts
are rejected, or the assumptions are modified so that they do fit evidence.
This is not axiomatics, but we are beyond the axioms of pure mathematics,
and have no other axioms. Experimental logic and investigation are all
we have.
Operational definition of representative entities and inference
of arithmetical rules that apply to them in p-m representation.
The jump between a physical system
model, defined in terms of drawings, measurement procedures and other detail,
and the abstract mathematical representation of it is taken for granted,
but not usually set out clearly. S.J. Kline and I have
tried to understand at a defined, procedural level how measurable circumstances
are mapped to mathematical equations. Kline had written a respected
book tightly connected with the subject(4).
A first task was to identify the natural law operators,
sometimes called dimensional parameters, in procedural detail.
The natural law operators are the entities that interface
between our experimental measurements and the formalities of abstract,
symbolic mathematics. Here are some directly measurable
natural law operators (often referred to as properties):
mass, density, viscosity, bulk modulus, thermal conductivity,
thermal diffusivity, resistance (lumped), resistance (per unit length),
inductance (lumped), inductance (per unit length), membrane current leakage
(per length), capacitance (lumped), capacitance (per unit length), magnetic
susceptibility, emittance, ionization potential, reluctance, resistivity,
coefficient of restitution, . . . .
There are many, many more.
All are defined according to the same pattern:
DEFINITION: A natural law operator is a "dimensional
transform ratio number" that relates two measurable functions numerically
and dimensionally. The natural law operator is defined by measurements
(or "hypothetical measurements") of two related measurable functions
A and B. The natural law operator is the algebraically simplified expression
of {A/B} as defined in A = {{A/B}} B. The natural law operator is a transform
relation from one dimensional system to another. The natural law operator
is also a numerical constant of proportionality between A and B (a parameter
of the system.) The natural law operator is valid within specific domains
of definition of A and B that are operationally defined by measurement
Example: A resistance per unit length determined for a
specific wire for ONE specific length increment and ONE specific current
works for an INFINITE SET of other length increments and currents on that
wire (holding temperature the same.) (Unrelated measurables
could also be expressed as ratios, but such ratios would describe only
one point, not an infinite set of points.)
The natural law operators
are not axiomatic constructs. They are context-based linear constructs
that encode experimental information.
We are concerned with the arithmetical properties of the
natural law operators because of the inconsistencies related to crossproducts
including spatial entities that have been discussed above.
Let's review the arithmetical properties relating to the
natural law operators that we have no reason to doubt, and much reason
to be sure of:
Natural law operators work just
like dimensional numbers when they are used in exact correspondence with
the equation that defines them.
For example, resistance per unit length is the numerical
and dimensional transform that expresses Ohm's law, and acts "just
like a number" in expressions of Ohm's law.:
Natural law operators may be combined to form compound
natural law operators.
DEFINITION: A compound natural law operator
is a "dimensional transform ratio number" that relates two measurable
functions numerically and dimensionally. The compound natural law operator
is a transform relation from one dimensional system to another. The
compound natural law operator is also a numerical constant of proportionality
between one measurable value and another. The compound natural law
operator is the product or ratio of two natural law operators, sometimes
in association with a spatial increment. The compound natural law operator
is valid within specific domains of definition of the natural law operators
that define it.
Natural law operators act "just like numbers"
when they multiply or divide to form a compound natural law operator that
does not include an increment of space (length, area, volume, or time.)
The Heaviside equations, the conductance equations that apply
to a line conductor, such as a wire, are examples. Here is the Heaviside
equation for voltage, and the constructed natural law operators that apply
to it, operationally defined. The products LC, RC, and LG are compound
natural law operators that relate the derivatives and variables shown.
They are calculated, numerically and dimensionally, just like other products
of dimensional numbers:
LC, RC, LG, and RG act as compound natural law operators
as follows:
Mathematical and engineering practice has long depended
on our ability to multiply and divide natural law operators in this (scale
independent) way. There is NO axiomatic
reason why we can treat natural law operators as ordinary dimensional numbers
when we calculate compound natural law operators that do not include spatial
increments. But we have solid experimental support for the
fact that we can do so. That evidence goes back to celestial mechanics
calculations now nearly three hundred years old, and has been essential
all through the history of mathematical physics.
We have practically no experience
with compound natural law operators that contain spatial increments, however.
J.C. Maxwell and others worked with such constructs,
and were often frustrated in calculational sequences. Indeed,
for reasons reviewed above, we have solid calculational experimental support
for the fact that we CANNOT treat compound natural law operators including
spatial increments, such as those in the curly brackets below, as "just
However one may wish to describe or think about our difficulties
with these constructs, what is numerically essential is that we infer a
rule that is a valid p-m representation. In
physical representations, wholes should equal the sums of which they consist.
This is an essential test in cartography,
the literal mapping of physical spaces that is the type case of our representations.
If the sum of a term
over an interval is to be independent of the number of (evenly divided)
subintervals into which that interval is divided, that term must be proportional
to the following relation:
Every term on the right side of 7b is already linearly related
to length (m=1) by the delta x outside the curly bracketed compound natural
law operator expressions. The compound natural law
operator terms cannot have any length dependence at all. Otherwise,
the terms cannot describe physical behavior. The argument for other
compound natural law operator terms (with area or volume increments) will
be the same.
For numerical consistency, compound natural law operator
expressions in terms such as those shown in 7b must be valid numerical
coefficients numerically independent of increment scale, just as other
natural law operators are independent of increment scale.
Even so, for DIMENSIONAL consistency, the dimensional
exponents of the increments in the compound natural law terms must be ADDED
in the usual way. We know that in a valid equation, every term
must have the same net dimensions. (Suppose not: with an algebraic rearrangement,
one side of the equation would have different dimensions from the other.)
In appendix 1, equation 7 is derived by valid
dimensional number algebra - every term is dimensionally correct.
In every term where an increment occurs, its dimensionality is added in
computation of the dimensionality of the term. We have found
reason to change (restrict) the numerical arithmetic procedures used
to simplify (define) some of these terms, but the changes must preserve the
calculation of dimensionality, which is correct.
We infer the following P-M REPRESENTATION RULE:
ASSUMPTION: When the symbols that represent natural laws
are combined to form a new natural law, there are special rules for putting
them together. Only AFTER combination according to these rules can a symbolic
construction be formed that can be dealt with according to ordinary rules
of algebra.
Specifically: Constructed natural law operators in combined
effect terms will include constructed natural law operators comprising
several natural law operators and (perhaps) increments of space or time
variables. Constructed natural law operators are computed (would be algebraically
simplified) as follows:
numerical part: Numerical parts of the natural law operators making up the constructed natural law operator are multiplied (divided). Numerical parts of any increments in the constructed natural law operator are not part of the multiplication or division (i.e. are set at a numerical value of 1.0) (The numerical value of the constructed natural law operator is therefore numerically independent of the increment scale at which it is evaluated.) .........This requirement is satisfied if we restrict the algebraic simplification to an increment scale with a numerical coefficient of unity in the dimensional system in which algebraic simplification is done.)
part: dimensional exponents of all natural law operators and
any associated increments in
the constructed natural law operator would be added (subtracted). This
requirement is also satisfied
if we restrict the algebraic simplification to an increment
scale with a numerical coefficient of unity in the dimensional
system in which algebraic simplification is done.)
This rule produces constructed natural law operators that
are increment scale insensitive. Once the constructed natural
law operators are algebraically simplified (that is, defined in an arithmetically
workable way) these operators can apply to any scale.
For compound natural law operators without increments, this rule reduces
to the procedure we've used for centuries. This rule
differs for compound natural law operators that have included increments,
and avoids the self-contradictory behavior these entities have had.
According to this rule, crossterms in equations derived
from coupled physical circumstances are numerically determinant under
permitted algebraic manipulation. There is no longer any contradiction
between between differential equations and the models they came from. Wholes
equal sums of parts.
The rule may be rephrased, in a way some may find easy
to understand, and was expressed as follows in the main paper:
When we derive a finite increment
equation from a coupled finite increment physical model, that equation
will include terms that represent crosseffects including several physical
law operators and several increments in interaction together.
We have no axiomatic basis for deciding what the proper scale or unit system for algebraic simplification of these terms should be.
We know that choice of simplification scale and unit system matters numerically. Therefore, consistency requires us to specify the scale-unit system conditions for valid algebraic simplification.
Self-consistent results are obtained if we insist that algebraic simplification be done at a physical scale (or length, area, volume, etc) with a numerical value of 1.0 in the unit system in which algebraic simplification is done. This physical scale can be as large or small as we choose, since we can also choose any consistent unit system for expressing our measurements. After algebraic simplification (at a numerical scale of unity) we can convert our calculation to whatever consistent unit system we choose.
For example, the expressions within the curly brackets of equations (7), (8) and (9) are physical interpretations of natural laws that happen to have been "effectively measured" at scale delta x. To compute a natural law coefficient that corresponds to the expression in the curly brackets, and that is valid at any scale, including differential scale, we convert to a consistent measurement unit system where length delta x is 1 length unit. (Or we evaluate a "delta x" of 1 length unit in the measurement unit system we are using.)
With our unit system (or measurement) chosen so that the numerical value of delta x=1, we algebraically simplify the expressions in the curly brackets That done, we convert back to the unit system of our overall calculation, if we have departed from it. We have an equation that is arithmetically isomorphic to ordinary algebra, that will not generate false infinitesimals or infinities. The equation we had before was not arithmetically isomorphic to ordinary algebra, and our false infinities and infinitesimals trace from that.
We may also say::
"If N effects represented by distributed parameters interact on or in ONE piece of space, the numerical value of that piece of space should multiply into the expression representing the interaction ONCE, not N times".
The old, conventional answer is "N times." The difference between "once" and "n times" is usually insignificant, but in the case of neural transmission makes a very large difference.
We may also infer a consistent notation for evaluation of equations like (7), (8), and (9), in another way, at a differential (point) scale.
The notion of a dimensional parameter at a point, or of spatial increments at a point, has long been ill-defined. What does "resistance per unit length" mean at a point? Doesn't that require a notion of "length at a point?" What might "length at a point" be? In the evaluation and interpretation of compound natural law operators including spatial increments, the algebraic simplification is an "effective measurement." We need notations for the spatial increments at a point, that make measurement sense, and that yield results that work consistently when they are integrated. The following convention passes consistency tests.
When we derive a differential equation
(defined at a point) from a coupled finite increment physical model, we
must put ALL the variables and increments in our model equation into POINT
FORM prior to algebraic simplification. The point forms of spatial quantities
and time (in cm and second units) are:
Differential equations so derived, and integrated to a finite scale, correspond
to equations evaluated at that finite scale by the rule above. Again, false
infinitesimals and false infinities are avoided.
The S-K equation follows from application of this rule to
constructed natural law operators that include spatial increments, and
the results are the same ones that follow from algebraic simplification
of crossterms at a unity spatial scale, followed by passing to the infinitesimal
We can represent combined physical effects that act over
spatial increments as finite terms in differential equations.
Summary: Experimental Math at the
edge of axiomatics:
This appendix has treated calculations
at the INTERFACE between abstract mathematics and the measurable world.
In mathematical representation of PHYSICAL circumstances, set out in terms
of experimentally derived physical laws, we are using mathematical techniques
beyond where the axioms of pure math apply. If we are
to proceed at all, we must use experimental mathematics. This
paper has done so.
The results
are not so sure as axiomatic results can be, and the negative results are
more sure than the positive ones.
We can rule out current interpretations of
crossterms that call them infinitesimal in the limit. That is a strong
We can suggest a P-M REPRESENTATION RULE that
is a simple change to a currently accepted rule. The
P-M REPRESENTATION RULE is consistent with all physical and mathematical
issues that have been considered. The P-M REPRESENTATION RULE
is a suggestion, that we can hold to be probable, and that we can compare
to further calculations and to physical data. The rule assumes that
the natural law operators that multiply numerically or divide numerically
in compound natural law operators with increments interact arithmetically
in the same way that natural law operators in compound natural law operators
without increments do, but that spatial increments must be evaluated
at a numerical value of unity.
That seems reasonable, and arguments for the arithmetical restriction seem
strong. Still, this arithmetical procedure is an unprovable
assumption applied to extra-axiomatic circumstances. We have
gone beyond the range where axioms determine results. There
is no trick that can conjure up axioms for us here: we must work on an
experimental basis, as we have done here.
However, the results so far are
useful. The Kelvin-Rall neural conduction equation, which lacks
inductance, is strongly ruled out. The Showalter-Kline
neural conduction equation follows from a consistent, reasonable procedure
that can be tested further. It
is reasonable that we should be left with a conclusion of experimental
math that must be subject to further experimental verification or disproof.
Dedication: Professor Stephen J.
Kline, of Stanford University, author of SIMILITUDE AND APPROXIMATION THEORY4
and one of the great mathematical and experimental fluid mechanicians of
this century, was my partner in the work leading up to this paper. We
worked together on this for almost ten years, up to his death in November
of 1997. Steve's contributions were many and indispensible. Steve thought
hard about the problems of physical representation, and was completely
clear about the need to find and fix an error at the interface between
the representation of coupled physical models at the level of a sketch,
and representation by a differential equation. The
notion that measurables, and constructions of measurables, were ENTIRELY
outside the axioms was hard for both of us. Steve kept thinking
about it, and kept me thinking about it, till his life ended.
1. G. C. Chaitin "Randomness in arithmetic and the decline and fall of reductionism in pure mathematics" p. 25 in G.C. Chaitin THE LIMITS OF MATHEMATICS Springer-Verlag, Singapore 1998.
2. G.C. Chaitin "An Invitation to Algorithmic Information Theory" in Chaitin, op. cit. p. 80
3. K. Godel, COLLECTED WORKS, V.3 manuscript "*1951" cited in Chaitin, op. cit. p.85
4. S.J. Kline SIMILITUDE AND APPROXIMATION THEORY McGraw-Hill, 1967, Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Appendix 3: Some background on resonance
Electrical resonance can store up energy in an oscillation. Fig Ap3-1 shows how the voltage oscillation stored in a resonant system grows when it is driven at its resonant frequency (in magnifying phase.)
If the dendritic spines of neurons are analyzed assuming
the S-K transmission equation, they will show such resonance. Resonant
magnifications may be very great, and bandwidths extremely narrow, as shown
in the dendritic spine resonance calculations graphed in Fig AP3-2:
Resonant systems may all be described in wave propagation
terms, and many can also be treated in lumped (LRC) terms.
The International Dictionary of Applied Mathematics
explains inductance-resistance-capacitance (LRC) series resonance as follows.
The "coil" is a lumped inductance, the "condenser"
is a lumped capacitance, and "j" is the square root of -1.
. . . In an a-c circuit containing inductance and capacitance
in series ... the impedance is given by
where R is the resistance, is 2 times the frequency, L
is the inductance, and C is the capacitance. It can be readily seen that
at some frequency the terms in the bracket will cancel each other, and
the impedance will equal the resistance alone. This condition, which gives
a minimum impedance (and thus a maximum current for a fixed impressed voltage)
and unity power factor is known as series resonance. Where the resistance
is (relatively) small the current may become quite large. As the voltage
drop across the condenser or coil is the product of the current and the
impedance of that particular unit, it may also become very large. The condition
of resonance may even give rise to a voltage across one of these units
that is many times the voltage across the whole circuit, being, in fact,
Q times the applied voltage for the condenser and nearly that for the coil.
This is possible since the drops across the coil and condenser are nearly
180 degrees out of phase, and thus almost cancel one another, leaving a
relatively small total voltage across the circuit . . .(1)
A neural element according to K-R will have no inductance,
L. There is no LRC resonance under K-R. That same neural element according
to S-K may have very large inductance. For an LRC resonator, the resonant
frequency, o is:
The resonant amplification factor, Q, achieved
after time to equilibrium(2), is:
For an LRC resonator, Q is
Bandwidth (the frequency difference between the half power
points on a resonance curve) is:
In addition to lumped (LRC) resonance, columns can also
be resonant. Columns (transmission lines) of 1/4 and 1/2 wavelength have
been used as resonators in musical instruments for many centuries. More
recently, column resonance has been used with precision in the radar and
communication fields. Well terminated lengths of neural passage that are
sharply open (short circuited) at both ends are resonant when there length
is exactly 1/4 of . For column length lc:
and integer multiples of o. A well terminated
length of neural passage that is sharply closed on one end will be
resonant at
and integer multiples of these frequencies.
Consider a neural (dendritic) passage in terms of its
defining variables, d, conductor diameter, delta, membrane
thickness, epsilon, membrane dielectric constant and epsilon, axolemma
Assuming S-K, conduction velocity in small neural lines
(above a very low threshold frequency) is constant. v is:
For a 1/4 wave resonant column of length lc:
Q of the column resonator will be inverse with attenuation
per wavelength .
According to K-R, attenuation per wavelength is enormous,
Q's are very small, and resonant energy storage does not occur. According
to S-K, attenuation per wavelength can be very small, Q's can be in the
thousands or tens of thousands, and resonant energy storage can be important.
Substituting the neural formula for attenuation per wavelength, , for a
well terminated passage (having ends with 100% positive or negative reflection)
Q becomes:
Note that Q increases with o. Column resonator
bandwidth in terms of o, , , and is
Column resonators magnify and store repeating WAVEFORMS that fit as standing
waves within them. In contrast, an LRC resonator stores a sine wave.
For spines, LRC mode Q's in the tens of thousands are
possible on the assumption of S-K. Assuming K-R, there is no LRC resonance.
Similarly large Q's are possible in column resonant mode assuming S-K.
There is no column resonance under K-R.
1. The International Dictionary of Applied Mathematics D.Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, Toronto, New York, London 1960
2. op. cit.
Appendix 4: Web access to some detailed
brain modeling, correspondence with NATURE, and some extensive discussion
of the work in George Johnson's New York Times web forums.
If one grants that the domain of measurement is beyond the axioms of pure mathematics, and follows through the consequences, the derivational procedures of this paper follow, and some important conclusions in neural biology follow.
I've discussed the logic of the math, and its background, in George Johnsons's MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE forum at THE NEW YORK TIMES ( Although George Johnson practically never signs his name to a posting in these forums, some of the anonymous discussants are outstanding. With the help of anonymous discussants who combined deep scientific background, connection, insight, and fine writing ability, the math was discussed in #584-#641 of the BLACK HOLES AND THE UNIVERSE site. The discussion is of about 80 typed pages. I responded to the following welcome question:
budrap - Jun 11, 1998 EST (#584) . . . - When you think about calculus . . . Calculus seems to get the right answers without providing a very useful/informative map of the territory.
.. . . . " is there a Copernican/Keplerian analog that might allow us to more clearly comprehend a part of physics that calculus now masks in infinitesimals? "
I was guided carefully into answering, and would have been hard put to get by with any fuzziness. The discussion involves a good deal about the history of the problem and its significance.
In the course of this discussion, I made available on the web the same papers submitted here, in a previous form. More than 15 people, many from distinguished universities and institutions, pulled down the papers. To my knowledge, there were no objections to the work. I believe that, if Johnson had heard objections, he would have passed them on to me.
I have had some limited encouragement on this work from NATURE,
as follows.
Last year, before my friend S.J. Kline's death, we submitted a number of
papers to NATURE. Our motivation was not to have the papers
published as submitted - we knew they were too long. However, we
were having trouble getting the math CHECKED, and hoped that NATURE might
help us with the checking.
The editors of NATURE did not help us with the checking we'd asked for. However, to our honor and surprise, they seem to have given serious consideration to publishing the work.
In response to the draft submissions referenced below, the editors of NATURE wrote a gracious, supportive, and seemingly reluctant rejection letter that I have made available on my website in two forms:
text at
full facsimile at
NATURE's letter included this:
" Although it is sadly the case that some studies simply do not lend themselves to the NATURE format, this need not mean that our readers are left in the dark about the latest developments. As you know, we frequently discuss such work in the context of our News and Views section, and if you were to send us preprints of your present papers when they are finally accepted elsewhere for publication, we could explore the possibility of doing likewise with your work. "
NATURE's letter indicates that the editors of an outstanding journal that specializes in neurobiology found the material significant and plausible.
The neurophysiological papers below will be rewritten
and submitted to a neurophysiological journal when the central mathematical
foundation of the S-K derivation, the subject of this paper, is peer reviewed.
This submission to Los Alamos is part of our efforts to get that review.
The submissions to NATURE are referenced here to show the potential importance
in neuroscience and neural medicine that the S-K equation has.
A NEW PASSIVE NEURAL EQUATION. Part a: derivation by M.R. Showalter at
A PASSIVE NEURAL EQUATION: Part b: neural conduction properties by M.R. Showalter at
Here are the physical derivation (math) papers we submitted to NATURE.
If equations derived according to Maxwell's 1st method are right, inferences from experiments are only valid over a RESTRICTED range. by M.R. Showalter and S.J. Kline at
These pieces are still right, but I'm more clear now than Steve and I were on the nonaxiomatic nature of the world of measurement.
For background, we also submitted an annotation of an
excellent survey article, showing how the new theory fit what was known.
A verbatim copy of COMPUTATION AND THE SINGLE NEURON by Christof Koch taken from NATURE, 16 January, 1997 annotated and with two appendices by M.Robert Showalter at
The NATURE submissions fit data rather well, but I'd used an inconsistent system of units (MKS units are needed for consistent crossterms.) That would have produced an error, but the error was balanced by my neglect of the effects of glial clefts that surround neural lines:
" The Glial membrane-fluid cleft-neural membrane arrangement cuts effective neural capacitance, greatly increasing signal conduction velocity and greatly reducing the energy requirement per action potential. by M.R. Showalter at