arXiv:1810.05392v1 [cs.LO] 12 Oct 2018

DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.281
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on
Classical Logic and Computation
Oxford (UK), 7th of July 2018

Edited by: Stefano Berardi and Alexandre Miquel

A Last Word About this Special Issue and the CL&C Conference Series
Stefano Berardi and Alexandre Miquel
On Natural Deduction for Herbrand Constructive Logics III: The Strange Case of the Intuitionistic Logic of Constant Domains
Federico Aschieri
Admissible Tools in the Kitchen of Intuitionistic Logic
Andrea Condoluci and Matteo Manighetti
Fast Cut-Elimination using Proof Terms: An Empirical Study
Gabriel Ebner
Validating Back-links of FOLID Cyclic Pre-proofs
Sorin Stratulat

A Last Word About this Special Issue and the CL&C Conference Series

This EPTCS special issue covers the seventh of the CL&C series, CL&C18, held in Oxford and satellite of FSCD 2018. This conference is intended to be the closure of the series. We thank all people who contributed in a way or another to the success of these events, over a period of about fourteen years, from 2005 to 2018 included.

We especially thank the PC committee of CL&C 2018: Bahareh Afsharii (University of Gothenburg), Federico Aschieri (TU University of Wien), Stefan Hetzl (TU University of Wien) Christophe Raffalli (University of Savoie), Helmut Schwichtenberg (University of Munich), Steffen van Bakel (Imperial College).

The CL&C conference series started in 2006 in Venice (satellite of ICALP 2006), and continued every other year with CL&C08 (Reykjavik, ICALP 2008), CL&C10 (Brno, MFCS, joint event with PECP), CL&C12 (Warwick, CSL 2012), CL&C14 (Wien, CSL & LICS 2014), CL&C16 (Oxford, FSCD 2016).
The topic of CL&C conferences is the computational content of logics between Intuitionistic Logic and Classical logic, described through normalization. The CL&C 2018 conference has a new entry, the topic of cyclic proofs. We give an overview of all accepted papers of CL&C, in alphabetic order of the first author.

  • Federico Aschieri contributed with a paper about new reductions sets for extensions of Intuitionistic Logic having the Herbrand disjunction property.
  • Andrea Condoluci and Matteo Manighetti contributed with a paper which, for the first time, describes a reduction set for all admissible rules of intuitionistic logic.
  • Gabriel Ebner contributed with an empirical comparison of time consumption of different implementations of the normalization algorithm.
  • Sorin Stratulat introduced a subset of cyclic proofs having a polynomial-time algorithm checking correctness.

    Thanks again to all contributors and all PC members for the present and for the six past editions.

    The Editors
    Stefano Berardi and Alexandre Miquel